Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Yes MX done the same thing in kismaayo. I know personally a Harti man who has family members suffer from such atrocities from barre hiraales men

Yes MX done the same thing in kismaayo. I know personally a Harti man who has family members suffer from such atrocities from barre hiraales men
Arimahaas kuma quseeyaanEeboow how come Saleeban took Xmarweyne and not Mudolood xaa jiira?
Why would you lie? Lying is a major sin, you also slandered a whole tribe of million Somalis. The man is a reer barawa
He was killed by a mooryaan HAG soldier for refusing to pay him 5k shilling Somai which is equivalent too 50 cents we need justice!!
His killer was HG , your clan will protest his capture as usual and justice shall be thwarted
These people loved Mudane Farmajo because he empowered their voice but now there is little hope
Why would you lie? Lying is a major sin, you also slandered a whole tribe of million Somalis. The man is a reer barawa
He is a tunni
Who are they kidding hes HG
No reports of MX raping anyone let alone fellow Darood you have gone too far with that accusation
Yikes I thought barwanis were miskeen.
During the post-1991 civil wars, the formerly privileged status of Benadiri, many of them wealthy merchants, was reversed, as they did not form an armed militia for protection. Rer Hamar suffered heavily from warlord militia attacks; rape of girls and women; looting of their properties and businesses; and theft of womenβs jewellery. Most Benadiri fled to Kenya as refugees.