Can you please explain to us why soldiers could be sent by FGS to fight Jubaland but not fight shabaab? You keep talking about shit that doesn’t matter. The point you need to understand but you seem not to be willing to is that the south isn’t serious about fighting shabaab except the XL macawisley. They are the only ones who consistently do it. When you juxtapose the south’s unwillingness and PLs unity and seriousness in combating ISIS and say shit like ‘it’s only this many’ or ‘they still haven’t been defeated’ as if the war started a year ago then it makes you look like a hater. There is something inherently dishonest in that.If you are this insecure about the mere mention of PL you simply need to not read my posts. There is also no way to prove anything I wrote here is motivated by jealousy or my Qabil. I never belittled PL war against ISIS. I prevented yo guys from exaggerating a war against 800 men holed up in a small area and using this dehumanise southern Somalis who face a far more menacing force.
I also contextualised the differences in Southern Somalia and how the many foreign interventions/warlords era/diversity etc make this an unfair comparison. You retards think this is making excuses whereas anyone within an iota of an intelligence knows that shabab presence in the south is caused by many differenct factors. What you want to do is everyone to agree with you and say “muh qabil”.