Remember the Eedo actresses who was distraught last week? Turns out her young husband back home orchestrated the hacking and other things

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Why kullaha? It was calaf, nothing wrong with marrying a younger man, maxaa kaa khaldan niyyow? Are you okay in the head? Why are you blaming her instead of the dayuus who betrayed her?



I have always had those Turkish Sultan Ottoman empire soap opera fantasy of meeting my black mailer some where and then jumping on their throat, choking them as i pee'ed downstairs with glee and gratification as the life of the person went out. (or hiring someone while i watch & still pee'ing with joy) Drooling and pee'ing on myself without stop as the lights goes out in their poor eyes. :( They say, killing with your own hands is more personal & intimate. :)

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
In reality its completely opposite. This situation is one in a million...
she isn't the 1st somali women that gets blackmailed and taken advantage by a guy this is worse cause they where married and its clear this guy was abusing her extortionate her out money and only focusing on himself
wooow it makes more sense. I mean if an ex husband filmed his wife and after divorce blackmailed her. She should come out with it and he would be the most hated man out there. He would bring shame to his family. But if it was a haram relationship, then I can understand why she would pay the blackmail and want to keep it hush hush
What Aunty is in a haram relationship. She was married to him & she has children remember that


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
He shouldn’t be doing this anyway even if he was in a relationship with her. Too grimey and he’s grown. He needs to get some shame
There's a reason he ran away from the country and is in hiding cause if he was still around he would be dealt with
I don’t understand why would someone be so evil to expose a hooyo. Actually why expose any xaliimo like that. That shame can kill her. It shows some faaraxs are evil to the core.
It’s glorious when you see a Somali man finally be honest and admit that a lot of faraxs are indeed evil to the core! Rotten humans. After tearing their country into pieces and ruined our reputation in diaspora now they’ve turn to killing their wives and/or revenge humiliating them. I remember like in 2012 that was unheard of and now it happens on daily basis! I mean who else would create entire sites dedicated to exposing their women for the world to see but faraxs!?!!. One of the most recent immigrant groups yet numero uno degenerates!
It’s glorious when you see a Somali man finally be honest and admit that a lot of faraxs are indeed evil to the core! Rotten humans. After tearing their country into pieces and ruined our reputation in diaspora now they’ve turn to killing their wives and/or revenge humiliating them. I remember like in 2012 that was unheard of and now it happens on daily basis! I mean who else would create entire sites dedicated to exposing their women for the world to see but faraxs!?!!. One of the most recent immigrant groups yet numero uno degenerates!
Not Farah just say men in general:comeon:

trying to put us faraxs through the mud just cause some nigga did that:birdman:
It’s glorious when you see a Somali man finally be honest and admit that a lot of faraxs are indeed evil to the core! Rotten humans. After tearing their country into pieces and ruined our reputation in diaspora now they’ve turn to killing their wives and/or revenge humiliating them. I remember like in 2012 that was unheard of and now it happens on daily basis! I mean who else would create entire sites dedicated to exposing their women for the world to see but faraxs!?!!. One of the most recent immigrant groups yet numero uno degenerates!
Wallahi what has your abo or male relatives done to you:damn::friendhug:

you really only like bashing Somali men when caadan men are the cause of all problems:damn:


