Remember this guy?

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who cares if he wasn't a "diehard racist", the fact remains that he was a racist

Obviously it does matter given the culture and ideas of races at that time. Someone who is disgusted by slavery, thought a freed black man was the nicest man he ever met and thought that all races descended from a common stock, doesn't strike me as a racist at all. Darwin is less racist than Muhammed who referred to black people as raisin heads and traded two black slaves with one white one.
Armed with knowledge? Don't make me laugh. When I mentioned that your logic would dismiss the most accurate scientific idea ever (quantum theory) as 'just a theory', your retorted to saying you're wrong and, more tellingly, just 'no'. But whatever helps you sleep!

A. You were wrong, you are wrong, you will always be wrong
B. Wow, how very indicative of my level of knowledge :axvmm9o:
Obviously it does matter given the culture and ideas of races at that time. Someone who is disgusted by slavery, thought a freed black man was the nicest man he ever met and thought that all races descended from a common stock, doesn't strike me as a racist at all. Darwin is less racist than Muhammed who referred to black people as raisin heads and traded two black slaves with one white one.

obviously, I've already argued the point your making previously so obviously I'm going to rest my case here because there are waaaaaay too many pretentious users on here trying to tell me xyz and frankly I am exhausted.


No, you cannot be a "genius" yet believe in such ludicrous illogical beliefs.
A valid reason for racism....? Are you actually...Are you actually justifying Darwin's racist views, couldn't be?
You can believe in whatever you might deem valid and others of course will see it as ludicrious or illogical but you can still be a genius. Religious people can believe in all sort of things, logical and illogical and be genius. Its not determined by what you believe in if your genius or not.
You can believe in whatever you might deem valid and others of course will see it as ludicrious or illogical but you can still be a genius. Religious people can believe in all sort of things, logical and illogical and be genius. Its not determined by what you believe in if your genius or not.

I disagree and I've already argued my case over and over so please refer to my previous comments if you wish to understand why.
...It's obvious, you can't be a genius whilst believing in very very very stupid, illogical, nonsense ideologies. Maybe you're talking about a Mozart type of genius.


I disagree and I've already argued my case over and over so please refer to my previous comments if you wish to understand why.
...It's obvious, you can't be a genius whilst believing in very very very stupid, illogical, nonsense ideologies. Maybe you're talking about a Mozart type of genius.
Thats my point. To you this ideology is very stupid and illogical, to others it might not be. You know there exist people that talk about islam and allah in the manner you do about Darwin? Being a stupid and illogical nonsense? Your welcome.
Thats my point. To you this ideology is very stupid and illogical, to others it might not be. You know there exist people that talk about islam and allah in the manner you do about Darwin? Being a stupid and illogical nonsense? Your welcome.

Racism, indubitably is one of the most stupid and illogical ideologies there is. Stop justifying it, stop giving people reasons to believe that their views are acceptable when they're not. I didn't call Darwin stupid or illogical, I pointed out that his beliefs were stupid and illogical and added that he wasn't a genius because of those very beliefs.
You can't be a genius and a racist, that's an oxymoron.
A genius would not have harboured such ridiculous views irrespective of their social context.
A genius is a genius no matter they're political, religious and racial views. Alot big inventions we use were invented by white racist geniuses like Benjamin Franklin (yh blah blah but Tesla doe u get my point)
A genius is a genius no matter they're political, religious and racial views. Alot big inventions we use were invented by white racist geniuses like Benjamin Franklin (yh blah blah but Tesla doe u get my point)

i've already explained why you can't be a genius and be a racist etc. Please refer to past comments.


Racism, indubitably is one of the most stupid and illogical ideologies there is. Stop justifying it, stop giving people reasons to believe that their views are acceptable when they're not. I didn't call Darwin stupid or illogical, I pointed out that his beliefs were stupid and illogical and added that he wasn't a genius because of those very beliefs.

Its simple. Im not justifying it but I have also no issues with it. He can believe what he wants, just as you are free to shape your own beliefs. You can have idiotic belief and still be a genius. There have been alot of what we considering stupid and illogical beliefs but there has allways been geniuses among humans despite their beliefs. Being a genius is not a recent thing and you need to seperate the belief from the person. A racist can cure cancer or make a scientific discovery. Infact most genius from before our time we would consider today having stupid and illogical ideologies, because they were persons of their time. This however dont change the fact that they were genius.
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