That's a deflectionSomalia supported liberation movements, it even supported the Djibouti liberation fighers and help create pathway for them to establish a government.

Let me take you back to your initial point that said "Somalia never supported the insurgencies to wreck and collapse the Ethiopian government" that statement is false as Somalia supported the rebels that were attempting and eventually succeeded in toppling the Ethiopian regime. You already admitted you were wrong once, you can do it again sister

What a bunch of nonsense. That text you have shown lumps SPM with SNA. So you are saying the Somali National Army was allied with with USC who is also lumped up with SNA.
WOW!!!!! SNA doesn't mean SOMALI NATIONAL ARMY abaayo in this context. It's SOMALI NATIONAL ALLIANCE, it was created after USC split and Aideed formed a new alliance that included SPM, SDM, SSNM and his USC wing. You need to be properly educated about those tumultuous times of our country.
I'm not shaming you for knowing less but doubling down on apparent falsehoods is quite unproductive abaayo.
OMGIt's Nr.1 University in the region , it's not wrong. So tell me where is Zimbabwe, Eritrea and Egypt on that list?