dude is mexican? are you serious?@Omar del Sur
Nobody bullied you for being Mexican but you being a young Mexican means you are very likely to know next to nothing about Somali history which is such a niche most Somalis dont know much about it.
You were not merely relaying information of the crimes of the era you were making a point and an opinion. “The muslims should stand in solidarity with the Isaaq clan” Against who other Somalis? The MSB regime has long ended if you were not aware.
“The north must have its freedom” the promotion of division between Muslims is something which I dont think we need to argue over as right or wrong. “The North” doesnt exist and Isaaqs as a clan are not subjugated by some evil “South”. You bought into some womens clannist ideals of making a one clan state and a return to a colonial project. I.e. The British Somaliland protectorate.
There was a communist government they did bad things to everyone the South is not anymore to blame then the North.