Reminder: Your Sins Weigh You Down More Than Your Problems

A lot of times, we think our sadness, anxiety, or lack of motivation comes from external problems—money, relationships, stress. But in reality, it’s often the weight of sins that makes life feel heavy. Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

"Sins weaken the heart and body. They deprive the heart of its life, making it feel dead in this world before the next."

Every time you sin, your heart gets a little darker. Your connection with Allah weakens. Your du’as feel distant. Your salah feels empty. Even the smallest problems feel unbearable because there’s no barakah in your life. Allah says:

"Whoever turns away from My remembrance will have a life of hardship..." (Surah Taha 20:124).

The solution? Tawbah. Repentance wipes everything away and lifts the weight off your soul. The Prophet ﷺ said:

"Glad tidings to the one who finds much istighfar (seeking forgiveness) in his record." (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hasan).

Don’t let your sins pile up. Drop the burden. Turn back to Allah before life feels unbearable.

