Report to his university

Somali people Including Somali women are beautiful.

I think most African models are from South Sudan and Somalia.

don’t listen what some fools say on the internet
It's just the audacity and it gets so many likes. Honestly the likes is too many that young somali girls will question if what they say is true and the hate is just not going to enf anytime soon because of how social media is engineered today
Standing on business! Love it @pinkyandthebrain

Other groups will ensure you face real life consequences if you are racist towards them online (such as j3w$ and madow) so why as Somalis do we have to lie down and take any type of racist abuse?
Exactly sis the hate we get is too much and it gets many likes which is frustrating imagine my cousins see that comment and many people agreeing? that would just knock off their confidence. We gotta move better and start talking action for this blatant racism and humiliation or are we going to take the abuse and become like Indians who can't even stand up for themselves? remember social media is engineered differently today. Way too many negativity goes viral and the comment section is always explosive.

Seek employment my nigga
@seoulmates any updates or do we need to inform his behaviour to his father or call up unis. the arrogant twat doesn't care and even agreed with his own comment bragging many people agree with him because of the likes.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
@seoulmates any updates or do we need to inform his behaviour to his father or call up unis. the arrogant twat doesn't care and even agreed with his own comment bragging many people agree with him because of the likes.
His father wont care its better to call up Unis and ask of he attends there.


Old Head 👴🏿
Before I leave this forum for good I had to report an idiot who left his university details on his instagram account with his real name ying lau who was engaging in a racist comment towards somali girls this is the email I reported him
he also engages in badminton so do write to them he engages in badminton club so they know who they're exactly dealing withView attachment 340133
Why are you leaving us? 🥺
Before I leave this forum for good I had to report an idiot who left his university details on his instagram account with his real name ying lau who was engaging in a racist comment towards somali girls this is the email I reported him
he also engages in badminton so do write to them he engages in badminton club so they know who they're exactly dealing withView attachment 340133
Bruh how is this idiotic thread trending