Rer Borame man humiliated in Hargeisa!

These skirmish happen amoung the youths in Hargeisa. Nothing qabilist about it. Remember last time there was a kiss my shoe amoung some degenerates. God knows what they were fighting about. Anyways nothing to be proud of and the police will deal with them accordingly. These type of street justice and mob justice need to stop. The elders will take care of the situation.
Lots of dhaqan xumo in Hargeysa.



Have U fled or did you go silent or dead

Season 2 Couch GIF by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Because @TekNiKo is just moving onto another karbash warning all Somalis

Angry Monday Night Raw GIF by WWE

I don't want to waste my time on fake news.


These skirmish happen amoung the youths in Hargeisa. Nothing qabilist about it. Remember last time there was a kiss my shoe amoung some degenerates. God knows what they were fighting about. Anyways nothing to be proud of and the police will deal with them accordingly. These type of street justice and mob justice need to stop. The elders will take care of the situation.

Talk about Stockholm syndrome which develops when a victim of a gross crime starts to sympathise or make excuses for the criminal or deflects to nonsense arguments.

He was manhandled(waa loo awood sheegtay) even as innocent civilian, he was even mocked and abused as the criminals assume this man has no tol and it's up to samaroon to show that man has a tol.


Its a somali value system it's better death then living in shame or humiliation, they really do prefer death before that type of humiliation done to Samaroon.

That brutal level of humiliation when a man say hanoo soo eegin(meaning your to low to look at us) Colonial.fascist did this also. Dan Isaaq has escalated to crazy level humiliations.

@Garaad Awal

Notice he isn't even condemning it, silence means complicity he supports this sickness. Then the bad among his clan will see thru his silence that what their doing is OK.

This Garaad awal has alot of injustices to answer for, they even killed my uncle in beerta xoriyada a civil worker with 7 kids. Alla maxaa hisabtan dhici doono if a true reconciliation happens in Somalia, I'll be there sitting eagerly listening.

These ppl watch other clan unarmed civilians being murdered and stay silent and go about their day like nothing has happened. That is the most sickest level of hate not the ones doing it the ppl who are silent. This dude could potentially have some samaroon in is house in hargeisa being tortured rite now and he just goes about his day like nothing is going on.

I can't wait till all Somali clans head to hargeisa and say what's up now and talk about SNM genocide.
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@Garaad Awal

You criticize Darod always when your ppl are far worse monsters, wallahi snm iyo xasuuqa ay samayeen do not think it's unsettled by clans, their all noted down, location, jifi of isaaq responsible, time and date by locals who also update their isimo so it will be there for life.

U need to take your ass into SNM genocide commitee and address all somali clans grievances. I accept all rebel groups need to also including SSDF and USC and SPM and SNA(Marehans) not siyad SNA since thst was a qaran of all clans unlike rebel groups.

I haven't heard to many SSDF genocide claims from balanbale or galdogob(but I could be wrong also).

The years being reconciled is 91 to 2024, sure their were preceding eras except for SSDF we can't hold marehan for siyad barre who consisted of all clans. U host many in your fucking hargeisa like Faisal.ali waraabe and ppl will say f*ck u nigga why u only looking at darod part of siyad and not Faisal ali waraabe even muss bihi was a worker of siyad and siilanyo?
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f*ck it, if this innocent victim doesn't have a clan with some balls in them, I'm heading to hargeisa out of somalinimo and will defend him, this is unacceptable.

I will grab these men and say get your ass in my car we sending your asses into nugaal miyi where u will face a fate u never seen before in your.lives just like that habar jeclo kid who killed our Garowe Sheikh, never to be heard of again, not even sent thru the court prison, he was taken to nugaal.miyi for a.special type of justice due to the status of the man he killed vs his lowly status.

Plus if he dares run for tol I'll.tell him no isaaq will be able to walk PL, now what. That kid was tortured, teeth by teeth, nail by nail, eye by eye, dick chopped off, etc, sometimes death is to easy for some.scum, that's the only language ina gumeed knows always wear your strong man hat with them, while with good ppl wear your good heart.

I told the Issa Mahmoud that kid is to lowly to kill or send into the desert with your clan, u should've waited for a hadrawi type hit on isaaq someone that helps them or they love, so they all cry, either way they were all charged up. That's how things r done even as late as 60s like happened to abdirashid sharmarke.

Where as you reer bari don't have multiple hats good and bad like.mudug and nugaal @Libaax-Joore

U guys just tolerate these type of scum thinking their somali or some shit a criminal or terrorist isn't a somali he works for.other interests.
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Talk about Stockholm syndrome which develops when a victim of a gross crime starts to sympathise or make excuses for the criminal or deflects to nonsense arguments.

He was manhandled(waa loo awood sheegtay) even as innocent civilian, he was even mocked and abused as the criminals assume this man has no tol and it's up to samaroon to show that man has a tol.

Samaroon youth can do the same thing to an Eydoor kid in Borama, Dila, Baki, Aw-Barre, their section in Gebiley, and other towns they settle. A young man getting mistreated in some alley in Hargeisa shouldn't be used against Gadabuursi. It just shows the savagery of those Kulmiye supporters.


Samaroon youth can do the same thing to an Eydoor kid in Borama, Dila, Baki, Aw-Barre, their section in Gebiley, and other towns they settle. A young man getting mistreated in some alley in Hargeisa shouldn't be used against Gadabuursi. It just shows the savagery of those Kulmiye supporters.

Remember that HJ kid caught while killing the garowe sheikh? he was caught live doing it in the masjid. He wanted to obviously escape. That dude never saw a court or prison, some local issa mahmoud justice was delivered.

He was sent for a trip to nugaal.miyi, he hasn't been heard of or seen since. I even told Issa Mahmoud in OZ, don't let emotions get the better of you, just wait and chill and wait for some hadrawi type in East Burco or wait till we find Dahabshil owner. Justice should be served based on fairness, that dude killed a prominent local while he was some piece of shit scum in his clan who they won't miss, I hope they don't let it settle there, a hit has to be done of equal measure on HJ.

Garaad Awal

Former African
@TekNiKo Runs from thread to thread but what he can never outrun is the utter shambles his people are, and that’s what he’s running from deep down inside
Sad Tears GIF

@Garaad Awal

You criticize Darod always when your ppl are far worse monsters, wallahi snm iyo xasuuqa ay samayeen do not think it's unsettled by clans, their all noted down, location, jifi of isaaq responsible, time and date by locals who also update their isimo so it will be there for life.

U need to take your ass into SNM genocide commitee and address all somali clans grievances. I accept all rebel groups need to also including SSDF and USC and SPM and SNA(Marehans) not siyad SNA since thst was a qaran of all clans unlike rebel groups.

I haven't heard to many SSDF genocide claims from balanbale or galdogob(but I could be wrong also).

The years being reconciled is 91 to 2024, sure their were preceding eras except for SSDF we can't hold marehan for siyad barre who consisted of all clans. U host many in your fucking hargeisa like Faisal.ali waraabe and ppl will say f*ck u nigga why u only looking at darod part of siyad and not Faisal ali waraabe even muss bihi was a worker of siyad and siilanyo?
This pirate is obsessed with my people. Go fix your shithole region and hopefully one day Bosaaso can be a port that can compete with my Berbera instead of being a terrorist infested city with sporadic armed clashes every few months


This pirate is obsessed with my people. Go fix your shithole region and hopefully one day Bosaaso can be a port that can compete with my Berbera instead of being a terrorist infested city with sporadic armed clashes every few months

Why do Isaaqs get all sensitive when told to stop harming unarmed civilians? Why do U all go beserk when asked for war tribunal on SNM and it's genocide? How can someone complain about state genocide when they themselves are complicit in their own genocide. How can U blame the Somali state knowing lots of Isaaq working for the state are inside Hargeisa and noone is saying a word to them, is because that dude tol? but other clans are faqash, brilliant so your issue isn't with siyad barre govt it's with non isaaq clan inside of it. So your issue is clan hatred well don't dress it up as anything else. You can't put lipstick on a pig and then try to say hey it's not a pig lol.

Somalis can smell clan hatred like a shark can sense a drop of blood in huge ocean, it's not a wise game to play.

You can't make this shit up wallahi how absurd these guys are. Someone please wake these people up about their stupidity. I mean how do U honestly sit and digest this?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN

Isaaq response

Run Flee GIF by All Creatures Great And Small

My response damn theirs lotta Mo Farah in their sprint

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
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This pirate is obsessed with my people. Go fix your shithole region and hopefully one day Bosaaso can be a port that can compete with my Berbera instead of being a terrorist infested city with sporadic armed clashes every few months
Pathetic. I’m holding 500 of your iidoor kin like the IDF holds Palestinians in detention camps. When will you mount an Oct 7th style attack to free them or are you planning to wait 80 years like falastiin? They are pleading for you to come and get them Samiiro.
Season 1 Help GIF by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Garaad Awal

Former African
Why do Isaaqs get all sensitive when told to stop harming unarmed civilians? Why do U all go beserk when asked for war tribunal on SNM and it's genocide? How can someone complain about state genocide when they themselves are complicit in their own genocide. How can U blame the Somali state knowing lots of Isaaq working for the state are inside Hargeisa and noone is saying a word to them, is because that dude tol? but other clans are faqash, brilliant so your issue isn't with siyad barre govt it's with non isaaq clan inside of it. So your issue is clan hatred well don't dress it up as anything else. You can't put lipstick on a pig and then try to say hey it's not a pig lol.

Somalis can smell clan hatred like a shark can sense a drop of blood in huge ocean, it's not a wise game to play.

You can't make this shit up wallahi how absurd these guys are. Someone please wake these people up about their stupidity. I mean how do U honestly sit and digest this?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN

Isaaq response

Run Flee GIF by All Creatures Great And Small

My response damn theirs lotta Mo Farah in their sprint

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
More nonsense from the mental patient. Take your meds and seek help 💀
More nonsense from the mental patient. Take your meds and seek help 💀
Says the mental handicap who ran into a thread about aggressive prostitutes running rampant in Aden in the 19th century and proudly claimed they were his tribe without understanding the simple ramifications. I’ve never seen someone who scores more own-goals than you. You have massive deficiencies in mental faculties and I don’t think pills can fix it.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Says the mental handicap who ran into a thread about aggressive prostitutes running rampant in Aden in the 19th century and proudly claimed they were his tribe without understanding the simple ramifications. I’ve never seen someone who scores more own-goals than you. You have massive deficiencies in mental faculties and I don’t think pills can fix it.
Still following me around in every thread. I ignore 99% of your responses and you still beg my attention 😂😂