1.2 Nile Cushitic
"Confusing the picture for language contact with Egyptian, some linguists have also pos-tulated the existence of what is sometimes called ‘Nile Cushitic’, an extinct branch of Cushitic once spoken on the Sudanese Nile as far north as Lower Nubia and the border of Egypt. This thesis rests on a perceived Cushitic substrate in Nobiin and Nile Nubian languages, especially in regard to livestock terminology. Some ‘African’ loanwords in Egyptian texts from the Old Kingdom such as dAng ‘pygmy, dwarf’, mswq ‘type of grain’, and sAt ‘grain’ might also be attributable to this tongue – although in truth we cannot be entirely certain as to the vectors or regions from which these loanwords arrived in Egyp-tian. Based on the limited evidence, confined almost entirely to the Cushitic substrate words in Nile Nubian and some toponyms, there is no sure way of ascertaining what branch of Cushitic this ‘Nile Cushitic’ was, but the study of Bechhaus-Gerst found more afinities to the ‘Highland East Cushitic’ branch than more proximal Cushitic languages of Beja and Agaw. For now, no follow up studies have been 1) able to certainly and ac-curately identify Cushitic toponymy on the Middle Nile or 2) be certain of the geographic extent of this Cushitic language."
"Confusing the picture for language contact with Egyptian, some linguists have also pos-tulated the existence of what is sometimes called ‘Nile Cushitic’, an extinct branch of Cushitic once spoken on the Sudanese Nile as far north as Lower Nubia and the border of Egypt. This thesis rests on a perceived Cushitic substrate in Nobiin and Nile Nubian languages, especially in regard to livestock terminology. Some ‘African’ loanwords in Egyptian texts from the Old Kingdom such as dAng ‘pygmy, dwarf’, mswq ‘type of grain’, and sAt ‘grain’ might also be attributable to this tongue – although in truth we cannot be entirely certain as to the vectors or regions from which these loanwords arrived in Egyp-tian. Based on the limited evidence, confined almost entirely to the Cushitic substrate words in Nile Nubian and some toponyms, there is no sure way of ascertaining what branch of Cushitic this ‘Nile Cushitic’ was, but the study of Bechhaus-Gerst found more afinities to the ‘Highland East Cushitic’ branch than more proximal Cushitic languages of Beja and Agaw. For now, no follow up studies have been 1) able to certainly and ac-curately identify Cushitic toponymy on the Middle Nile or 2) be certain of the geographic extent of this Cushitic language."
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