Resident Twitter Sheikh comes for Ilhan Omar

Also Dojakhat is a general weirdo and understands little about Somali history or general history for that matter, they only come on here to engage in gender war fadhikudhiriir

however pinkybrain whilst being the opposite of dojakhat in a sense is generally uninformed in Somali culture or history, shows massive contrarian and bipolar like tendencies in her stances, one day they’re a Somali nationalist, the next day SL must be independent

I think somalispot would do better without the two.

yours sincerely
Also Dojakhat is a general weirdo and understands little about Somali history or general history for that matter, they only come on here to engage in gender war fadhikudhiriir

Assuming that I am ignorant on Somali or World history just because I don't comment regularly on the threads is childish logical reasoning on your part. I read through the Culture & History section everyday and have demonstrably shown interest several times on this forum since my registration date.

Get your facts straight next time before you embarass yourself like this, you self-righteous c*nt.
I dont get any muslim or "muslim" that goes into politics in the west. it's one way to quickly lose your faith and sell the attainment of success for small worldly gains

Agreed. Politics is an inherently dirty game, so when a Muslim representative steps into the arena, you know something's got to give eventually.

Either they stick to the diin in its entirety and risk getting fired or they compromise on some commandments from Allah (SWT) to get ahead.

It is what it is.



Minister of Propaganda
She has no need to attend a pride rally if she doesn’t believe in it, the LGBT community don’t even like contemporary politicians because they feel politicians use their community for brownie points. So they won’t even be mad at a politician not attending their rallies.

However, I don’t like the criticism. These twitter sheikhs spend more time on Ilhan than any other Muslim Western politician that attends the odd rally.

Compare the amount of times they speak about Sadiq Khan to Ilhan, and this guy lives in London, Sadiq’s city.

They have an issue with a woman being a Muslim politician but use these roundabout ways to express their displeasure.