response to django about the lies he tells here


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Voltage Luuq was a Dir town that doesn't not negate the fact that Dir lived in Luuq.Even today Fiqi Muxumed live unless you want to say they don't exist in Luuq.

There is also a rumour that you had to kill the dir representative in order to get that sit.

How come you only have one sit in the entire Gedo?

I still stand by my point that MSB used to arm Dir to fight Cawliyahan in Gedo.

As for my second arguement 1974 drought Marexan were brought from central regions.

Secondly the 1977 war Marexan population in Ethiopia non lived in Refugee camps.They were all moved to Gedo displacing Garreh,Degodia and Raxaweyn and eventually using military force to displace Cawliyahan in Gedo (Burdhuubo,Bardheere,Fafaxduun).

Your reer Siyad diini are not even native to Garbaharey.You were just 1970s migrant from dhusamareeb,Mataaban iyo Galinsoor.

Buurdhubo you never settled, it was founded by my ancestors. Fafaxdhuun you got karbaashed by a sub clan of MX, Cawlyahan have degaan in Bu'ale due to that. You left a hundred years. You have no say or degaan in Gedo. Stop lying for the internet.

Buurdhubo you never settled, it was founded by my ancestors. Fafaxdhuun you got karbaashed by a sub clan of MX, Cawlyahan have degaan in Bu'ale due to that. You left a hundred years. You have no say or degaan in Gedo. Stop lying for the internet.

I will not argue with some refugee from Nageyle.
Before you came from.Nageyle bare footed. Burdhuubo was Cawliyahan territory Agah.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
I will not argue with some refugee from Nageyle.
Before you came from.Nageyle bare footed. Burdhuubo was Cawliyahan territory Agah.

I'm from Buurdhubo. All my awooweyaal are buried there. Nice try. Another Reer Xassan sub is from Nageyle. Again you don't know shit.

I'm from Buurdhubo. All my awooweyaal are buried there. Nice try. Another Reer Xassan sub is from Nageyle. Again you don't know shit.

You are from USA Ohio mate not Buurduubo.
Buurdhuubo was Cawliyahan country just like Bardheere before the Kacanka forcefully took it from them in the 70s and 80s.

Youbare like the reer diini kids from.Galgaduud who say they are from Kismaayo.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
You are from USA Ohio mate not Buurduubo.
Buurdhuubo was Cawliyahan country just like Bardheere before the Kacanka forcefully took it from them in the 70s and 80s.

Youbare like the reer diini kids from.Galgaduud who say they are from Kismaayo.

MX were in Gedo before the Kacaan, that's fake news. If Cawlyahan lived there. They would be mayor or DCs, no?



Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Warya I know you are qotti.Let me not catch you claimming Nagele if gold discovere there.

Negeyle aniga leh. Gedo aniga leh. Go cry to someone that cares. You land squatter. Claiming lands you don't have awood in. You know what happened to you in Beledweyne and Hargeisa right?

Gedo unaka leh.

Saxib the only way you can become.majority in Gedo is to learn the Raxaweyn way they have perfected the art of Kamasutra saxib those guys when your uncles are wasting time on fandhi kudirir chewing quule they are rocking the bed making babies.

You only see on raxaweyne here Jiron he is on patrol.He is waiting to finish his duty before he drinks his aphrodisiac and reports back to his 4 mistresses.
Negeyle aniga leh. Gedo aniga leh. Go cry to someone that cares. You land squatter. Claiming lands you don't have awood in. You know what happened to you in Beledweyne and Hargeisa right?

Nageyle aniga kugu ilaliyo mise booran baad noqon laheyd.Gedo Iskaba daa.Reer Xassan fan bartley ba tahay Larkin side turubka loo ciyaro baron.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Saxib the only way you can become.majority in Gedo is to learn the Raxaweyn way they have perfected the art of Kamasutra saxib those guys when your uncles are wasting time on fandhi kudirir chewing quule they are rocking the bed making babies.

You only see on raxaweyne here Jiron he is on patrol.He is waiting to finish his duty before he drinks his aphrodisiac and reports back to his 4 mistresses.
Nageyle aniga kugu ilaliyo mise booran baad noqon laheyd.Gedo Iskaba daa.Reer Xassan fan bartley ba tahay Larkin side turubka loo ciyaro baron.


For those that say MX were brought by MSB and the Kacaan. Here's a map from 1896 delineating the borders of clans in Gedo. Baardhere was always the border.


Here is a another map, a declassified one from CIA used by the UN to delineate Somali borders at the UN in 1950.


This narrative that MX isn't native to Gedo is propaganda and used by laangaabs who are jealous that MX own Gedo. We don't care. Gedo is the heartland of Beesha Sade cry to those who care.



@Adaawe so Hassan Nur was mx not RX?:cosbyhmm:

Nigga how have you managed to link me to this I’ve literally never talked on Juba areas :ileycry::ileycry::ileycry:
But do you really have to qashin me though can’t you let it slide for Kablalax :ummhmm:
MX were in Gedo before the Kacaan, that's fake news. If Cawlyahan lived there. They would be mayor or DCs, no?

They were if I am not wrong also are you going to also say there is no Raxanweyn or Garre :gucciwhat:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
But do you really have to qashin me though can’t you let it slide for Kablalax :ummhmm:

They were if I am not wrong also are you going to also say there is no Raxanweyn or Garre :gucciwhat:

Gedo belongs to me. I just debunked that narrative to your cousin, see above. Hassan Nur is Gasogurde. He ain't of my blood.

Majority rules, minority rights in Gedo.



Somalia is big enough for all of us, I mean look at Bangladesh, it's barely bigger than most states in our country and has 16 times our population size.

Area: 56,977 mi²
Population: 161.4 million World Bank

Jubbaland, Somalia
42,584 mi²
Population: 1.5 Million

Please count ur blessings and leave this destructive qabyaalad aside :)
Are RX a majority in luuq and Geedo overall:damedamn:

Luuq and Bardhere unu leh:fittytousand:

No Darods north of the river. But some on this site will have you believe they have settlements in Southern Bay. From claiming our clans to claiming our lands. No shame man no shame:ohlord:


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Luuq and Bardhere unu leh:fittytousand:

No Darods north of the river. But some on this site will have you believe they have settlements in Southern Bay. From claiming our clans to claiming our lands. No shame man no shame:ohlord:

You know what happened last time when you tried that. Relax tiger :yousmart:

And secondly, OP claimed your lineage. Not ours. Son claimed your set.

Poor b0on, you have been given one more chance to prove you can rule Somalia peacefully and ruined it again. Tik Tok, tik tok, your time in villa somalia is up.


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