Response to my post as a young 180k guy having somali dating trouble

Has anyone even watched the link in post, i've even tried to create a dating app to solve my problem but the truth is i am going back home to find me one

If you are ganna get a wife from Somalia, don't bring her back to the west because you might end up like this.
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Damn bro ngl you over thinking it too much. You out here writing essays on this shit when it’s supposed to be natural.

If you this hopeless dawg hit up yo female cousin or any female friend and have her put u on with her friends:deadmanny:. Shit is sad to read Sxb
I’m going to assume everything you say is 100% factual.

The idea that marriage or dating success is earned is a big fat LIE.

You can be morbidly obese, poor, high school dropout and in their 60s and find the love of your life in a week.

Whereas Halle Berry and Brad Pitt types seem to always have tragic relationships filled with cheating and scorn.

It’s really just the Qadr of Allah swt. Just be open to as many people as possible and be open minded. Being judgemental or having superficial standards turns off women even if they fit them.

Most women would love to have a guy with all your qualities as long as he was respectful and kind (not a nice guy). Personality tops everything for women.
Then who will marry us. You shouldn't be telling your friends and people around you to just pack stuff and go home. At least give the sisters here a chance tf
"I feel sorry for the ladies" Then why you leaving


Don't worry sxb, you will find the love of your life whether here in the diaspora or back home, both places have plenty of good sisters that are compatible with you :)


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I'll be honest with you. I have some doubts and questions to ask.

Unless i start to create word of mouth about me within the community then sisters won't be going for me
I've decided that i will go back home to find a wife

Wouldn't it be even worse if you go back home?

You are going to have all your relatives advertising your business in a country in which the majority is below the international poverty line.

Let's face it our culture is one based on word of mouth, we were an oral-based society for centuries. You are more likely to find someone and start up a conversation in the west as opposed to back home where family will go around praising your attributes to anyone who will listen.

No guy who is making money cares about a woman's education

This is simply not true. One cannot have a healthy relationship without considering intellect and education in their potential partner.

My question to you is: What are you looking for in a wife?
Im a guy and I’m just telling you a relationship is much more then sex and her being subservient to you. I’m saying is that both you are going to be from two distinctive worlds and it’ll be hard to understand each other. If you wish to have a nice relationship with your wife pick someone you know you can be with till the end.
It’s funny how he doesn’t even understand your point at all because you guys are on 2 very different planes. You’re worrying about connecting and having an actual bond with you future wife and he couldn’t careless about that as long as he can buy her companionship. You’re thinking long range and desire lifelong partner but he’s looking for quick fix where he has the upper hand and the convenience of exiting to left at will. 2 very very different mindsets.
My sister and brother-in-law met as volunteers in a local Muslim community organization. Volunteer, start to do something for others, youth group etc snd who knows, maybe your future wives brother will be in the your thoughts group. Or help out at a seniors services snd you may meet granddaughter of one of the seniors you’re helping. Meet ppl the organic way. Stop looking into social media or going to hunt for wife. Be patient and focus on giving back and maybe you’ll be rewarded.
Man this nigga a troll it has to be, no one can be this unaware. You could look like Quasimodo but if you're bank account bulging you will have the upper hand. This nigga trying to approach women like he is in the super market looking for a good deal. Coming across hella weird wallahi, very serial killer vibes. Talking about no care about the women education blah blah. No wonder you can't get a date. Sxb lower your ego, if anything it will benefit you to find a women with a career and can throw into the pot. You say you aint an incel but you tick all the boxes.