Revolting against the Muslim ruler | Sheikh Uthman Al Khamees

Omar del Sur

Ibn taymiya fought the mongols that were super power of that time.
Why didnt the Saudis fight the british?

Why was Palestine under British rule?
Why was Yemen under British rule? Why was Iraq under British rule.
Where does the salafiya dawah end?

Attacking helpless arab clans and drilling oil in their lands and inviting British companies to later drill oil?

I believe in Salafiyyah. it's like I said with the Mughals- maybe they did crimes, maybe they didn't but it doesn't make a difference as to whether Islam is true. my claim isn't that the Saudis did or didn't commit crimes. I'm not making a claim either way in that regard, I'm just saying that it has no bearing as to whether Salafiyyah is true. Salafiyyah predates the Saudis.

Let me tell you wgo did mexicans feel when california,texas and new mexico fell under the USA?

well obviously we weren't happy about it and we're quietly getting it back.

but if you want to take our history as example- we weren't happy about being colonized by the Spanish. and the Spanish definitely did some criminal stuff. but that doesn't disprove Catholicism. if you were going to refute Catholicism it would be silly to just talk about historical crimes of the Spanish Empire.
I believe in Salafiyyah. it's like I said with the Mughals- maybe they did crimes, maybe they didn't but it doesn't make a difference as to whether Islam is true. my claim isn't that the Saudis did or didn't commit crimes. I'm not making a claim either way in that regard, I'm just saying that it has no bearing as to whether Salafiyyah is true. Salafiyyah predates the Saudis.

well obviously we weren't happy about it and we're quietly getting it back.

but if you want to take our history as example- we weren't happy about being colonized by the Spanish. and the Spanish definitely did some criminal stuff. but that doesn't disprove Catholicism. if you were going to refute Catholicism it would be silly to just talk about historical crimes of the Spanish Empire.
You are going in circles

We were arguing about saudis and you brought the slafiya arguement then I debunked you and claimmed all the saudif fake news of spreading dawah was nothijg more than working as british agents.

I said how come the saudis didnt spread into yemen or paleatine which was being ruled by British who were colonising muslims? The British were bot salafiya.

So how come they saudis didnt have the passion to spread salafiya into palestine or Egypt or yemen which was under occupation of Western powers who beleived in trinity?

Also majority of the eastern saudi are shias so wat happened to the dawah salafiya that was spread by the british guns?

There is also sufi tribes in saudi how come they have existed?

Tgis was nothing more than a power hungry beduin tribe getting guns from thr british and expanding rapidly into oil rich regions with the pretext of spreading dawah and fighting shirk.
If they were fighting shirk then why did they stop at aqaba which is their border with current day Israel.

Omar del Sur


Also the ottomans are known to have concquered constinapol and large parts of Eastern Europe protrcting the muslim ummah.

So what did the saudi "salafiya" gain by using guns donated by the british to pretend to be spreading dawah by the sword?

There are still clans sufis and Shias in Saudi so how was this a spread of salafiya.

ok I wonder if you get what I'm arguing. I'm a supporter of Salafiyyah. I'm not a Saudi and I'm not a Saudi nationalist or something.

The Ottomans were a Sufi state. Many Sufis are sympathetic to the Ottomans because... this was a Sufi state. Sufism was the state ideology. Marxists were/are sympathetic to the Soviet Union because Marxism was the state ideology. Historically, Salafiyyah has been the state ideology of the Saudi states. So of course many Salafis are pro-Saudi.

My concern is Salafiyyah, not Saudi. And yes historically, Salafiyyah has been the state ideology of Saudi. Are there Sufis and Shia? Sure. There are sunnis in Iran but Shi'ism is still the state ideology there.

Anyways, my concern is Salafiyyah- my claim isn't that Saudi has or hasn't done criminal stuff. I was staunchly anti-vax and they were staunchly pro-vax. My claim is simply that Saudi allegedly doing this or that isn't a proof against Salafiyyah. If we want to refute Shi'ism, for example, you refute their sources- you can't just point to whatever the Iranian government is up to.

Omar del Sur

You are going in circles

We were arguing about saudis and you brought the slafiya arguement then I debunked you and claimmed all the saudif fake news of spreading dawah was nothijg more than working as british agents.

I said how come the saudis didnt spread into yemen or paleatine which was being ruled by British who were colonising muslims? The British were bot salafiya.

So how come they saudis didnt have the passion to spread salafiya into palestine or Egypt or yemen which was under occupation of Western powers who beleived in trinity?

Also majority of the eastern saudi are shias so wat happened to the dawah salafiya that was spread by the british guns?

There is also sufi tribes in saudi how come they have existed?

Tgis was nothing more than a power hungry beduin tribe getting guns from thr british and expanding rapidly into oil rich regions with the pretext of spreading dawah and fighting shirk.
If they were fighting shirk then why did they stop at aqaba which is their border with current day Israel.

what you're saying is not relevant to what I'm saying. My claim isn't that Saudi has or hasn't done criminal stuff, my claim is that saying Saudi did such and such doesn't disprove Salafiyyah. My concern is defending Salafiyyah, not Saudi.
what you're saying is not relevant to what I'm saying. My claim isn't that Saudi has or hasn't done criminal stuff, my claim is that saying Saudi did such and such doesn't disprove Salafiyyah. My concern is defending Salafiyyah, not Saudi.
Where is salafiya here the topic here is about revolting against rulers and saudis were major culprits.
secondly saudis claimming they spread salafiya through expansionism is fake news.

How come they never spread salafiya to palestine and yemen and even Egypt that was under the firm grip of western powers?
were the western powers salafiya.

also the notion that entire saudi regions are under salafiya is fake because the oil rich eastern Saudi is settled by shia arabs and there are also other regions that are sufis.

So was it dawah or expansionism by saudis? Its more of being given guns by British to take over strategic oil rich regions as it was scrumble to take over what was left by the ottomans after the primitive arab trubes revolted.

saudis are not Qureish nor are rhey ahlu bait nor are they known to have fought against any western power.

they are more like AS or Alqaida who claim fighting to establish salafiya and against the west but in reality are leeches benefitting from the misery of the muslim ummah.

Omar del Sur

Where is salafiya here the topic here is about revolting against rulers and saudis were major culprits.
secondly saudis claimming they spread salafiya through expansionism is fake news.

How come they never spread salafiya to palestine and yemen and even Egypt that was under the firm grip of western powers?
were the western powers salafiya.

also the notion that entire saudi regions are under salafiya is fake because the oil rich eastern Saudi is settled by shia arabs and there are also other regions that are sufis.

So was it dawah or expansionism by saudis? Its more of being given guns by British to take over strategic oil rich regions as it was scrumble to take over what was left by the ottomans after the primitive arab trubes revolted.

saudis are not Qureish nor are rhey ahlu bait nor are they known to have fought against any western power.

they are more like AS or Alqaida who claim fighting to establish salafiya and against the west but in reality are leeches benefitting from the misery of the muslim ummah.

I'm not really interested in debating this topic. My concern is Salafiyyah, not Saudi. The person to talk about all this with would be the Saudi foreign minister or Saudi nationalists/patriots. I don't really care either way about this stuff.

It's like asking me about the Khashoggi thing. It doesn't really make a difference to me as far as my concern. My concern is Salafiyyah. It doesn't make a difference theologically. And in terms of the fiqh regarding revolting against rulers, I don't think the history of Saudi makes a difference. The dīn is based on Quran and Sunnah, so I'm not sure why all the discussion about Saudi.
I'm not really interested in debating this topic. My concern is Salafiyyah, not Saudi. The person to talk about all this with would be the Saudi foreign minister or Saudi nationalists/patriots. I don't really care either way about this stuff.

It's like asking me about the Khashoggi thing. It doesn't really make a difference to me as far as my concern. My concern is Salafiyyah. It doesn't make a difference theologically. And in terms of the fiqh regarding revolting against rulers, I don't think the history of Saudi makes a difference. The dīn is based on Quran and Sunnah, so I'm not sure why all the discussion about Saudi.
So you are in the wrong thread just exit as if you never peeped through it.
Saudi is stoping the Persian paganism expansion
Is that why they bring in Nelly and former black R& B singers of the 90s to the kingdom to rebrand the kingdom?
Also celebrating gay pride is it a way of fighting persian paganism expansion?

I guess killing innocent kids and elderly women and men with western bombs indescriminatly is going to stop persian paganism.
So revolting and taking power by force is ok, but revolting after that is not ok
If a Muslim man rebelled against his Muslim ruler, defeated him and took power by force, without a doubt what he did was sinful but it’s still an obligation to obey him.


Forza Somalia!
If a Muslim man rebelled against his Muslim ruler, defeated him and took power by force, without a doubt what he did was sinful but it’s still an obligation to obey him.
So Ali revolted, Hussein revolted, Muhammed al-nafs al-zakya revolted etc. are sinful
What was their ijtihad
Hussein Ra didn't wanted to revolt but wanted to help yazid to follow the right path but he put his trust on the Iraqis who are munafiqs and the sahaba warned him to go their but sadly he didn't listen and the Iraqis betrayed him in Karbala and even if they were loyal to him he would eventually lose.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
the fact that people have to go into all this kind of talk about the Saudis shows how weak the arguments against Salafiyyah are.

when Salafis refute Sufis, they use the Quran and the Sunnah. it isn't some "did you know some Sufi in history did this?".

Salafiyyah goes back to Ibn Taymiyyah and earlier. it is way older than the Saudi states or the British empire. you could prove mbs eats kittens and it would make zero difference as to whether Salafiyyah is true or not.
Can you leave sufis alone? No one even mentioned sufis
:mjlol: :ayaanswag:
Can you leave sufis alone? No one even mentioned sufis
:mjlol: :ayaanswag:
istanbul sufi GIF

