Rioting and burning police cars in Leeds

Police and social service took away a Roma (gypsy) baby from a family and all hell has broken loose.

Right wings are blaming Muslims but I am big sure if the Asians joined in.

Man casually setting fire to a coach.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
The baby had a non accidental head injury so they kind have to by law.

The bastards like Tommy Robinson have turned this into a Muslim story though.
im on twitter rn and it seems romanians are getting the heat.
i suggest hoppin of twitter. Its really just a bunch of seething dudes :deadpeter:

Really poor English but it seems like he’s saying the child was dropped by other siblings when mother was away. Already landing himself in trouble with that explanation.


There was a similar incident in Whitechapel, London. The Bengalis were going crazy over there.
There was a similar incident in Whitechapel, London. The Bengalis were going crazy over there.
I wouldn’t say it is similar. The police were overan by the Roma in Leeds and they even over turned a police car, burnt another one.

Farage the liar has tried to link both incidents to the politics of the “sub continent”.

