Rob ford crack video is out ( I'm getting tired of reporting Canada happenings for useless Abdij)

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Citizen of Southwest State
Rob Ford was a great mayor. The experienced extreme economic success under his tenure. He did many great things for the various communities in Toronto. He was center right. He created many jobs and encouraged people to work while never neglecting the lower-income communities.

Most people are sheep. Many of them can't differentiate political success from personal issues. Everyone has their own demons. The way the media threw Rob Ford under the bus was extremely unfair and insensitive. The same people who wouldn't let him get a moments rest were the first to offer their condolences when he passed.

Releasing this video is sickening. Let the former mayor rest in peace smh.
The entire downtown area was shut down for rob fords funeral. No matter what he did the people of Toronto loved him as our mayor.
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