Rock Art pastoralists in the Horn of Africa

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Your first sentence isn't even grammatically correct. :gucciwhat:
You should at least try to proof read your drivel next time before you call anyone out, old man.

This entire argument is about where the Afroasiatic component came from, which according to the paper is the Levant. Once again The Red Sea coast has nothing to do with the Nile Valley, cush, or modern Sudan.

On a side note you would have figured out that the Ari are also non Nilotic or negroid if you had kept on reading.

Potholes on potholes on potholes.

As I said, ESL. :) There is nothing wrong with the grammar in that sentence and no one is questioning the Levant as the source of the Afro-Asiatic component. The issue is the route and the timing and it should be obvious from the map that a route from the Levant through Egypt going to Ethiopia has to go through the Sudan. Quoting your wonderful grammar: "40-50% from Levant through Egypt and along the Red Sea, while the rest is indigenous." It's your Red Sea coast, inhabited by Northern Cushitic speakers. It is obvious the Eastern Cushitic speakers came up the Nile, entering Ethiopia along the Nile tributaries in the southwest.

The Ari are their own kind of Negroid: the Ari Negroid?&f=false


Note also that the Ari are most similar to "the Koman of the Ethio-Sudan border areas and some Sudanese populations", but are not Bantu, Surmic or Nilotic. :mjohreally:

Reading comprehension really is a serious matter.
It's "as i've said", you dumb ass pedo.
I've already proven my point on the topic multiple times, while you're inconsistent at best.

Read your own post, it says that the ari are a distinctively different African. The writer has also usesd the word negro as an all encompassing word for black, or a counter to Ethiopid (Afroasiatic).

Now you're trying to backtrack by saying that multiple groups of Afroasiatics migrated into the region after being proven wrong. You're a joke of a historian.

This is also my last reply old man.

Do you see all those Nile tributaries leading from the drier plains to the wetter foothills and highlands? The rivers were the freeways of the ancient pastoral world.

It's "as i've said", you dumb ass pedo.
I've already proven my point on the topic multiple times, while you're inconsistent at best.

Read your own post, it says that the ari are a distinctively different African. The writer has also usesd the word negro as an all encompassing word for black, or a counter to Ethiopid (Afroasiatic).

Now you're trying to backtrack by saying that multiple groups of Afroasiatics migrated into the region after being proven wrong. You're a joke of a historian.

This is also my last reply old man.

:rejoice:Thanks be to God!
I finally found this again. It's a map of the Eastern Cushitic languages in southern Ethiopia. Lake Rudolph is now Lake Turkana. You can use Addis as a landmark to locate them relative to the river systems. Note how close they are to the Dawa and Ganale, which are tributary to the Jubba in Somalia. On another map I noticed they are also close to the headwaters of the Shabelle, which is the known migration route for the Hawiyye clans.
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