Roman Artefacts found in Puntland

Its what @TheLand said he's just an amateur who knows nothing about the area.
I would not call him an amateur. He has carried out some decent studies on the medieval sites in north west and on ancient trades in xiis etc.

He has an interesting take as to why he refuses to call those ancient people Somalis. Somalis need to debate him without crying racist or acting like obsessed stalkers.

He should have referred to the Indians visiting Somalia as Asians rather than Indians lol just to be consistent. The name Somali most likely predates Islam by btw and refers to one of the earliest Somali ancestors. Somalia has not also had large scale invasions or migration from outsiders. His own research shows Somali nomads were following the same movement patterns 2000 years ago as they do now. Very strange to stick to this “African” label when there was also no group called Africans 2000 years ago.
He’s projecting after being called out
That is obviously a reason, however, Somalis have also made it incredibly easy for all of this to happen. Ethiopian history and archaeology face almost none of this type of discourse, despite their population being more admixed than ours.

Somalis are an autochthonous ethnic group, but because so many Somalis have historically screamed "Ana Arab," people assume that we've been "Sudanized", meaning a migration of Arab males came into the Horn and were darkened through heavy intermarriage with the local female population. I would argue that this view is still something I've seen some FOBs spout and was probably popular decades ago.

The truth is, Somalis are autochthonous and have had no significant admixture since we migrated from what is now northern Eritrea/Ethiopia/Sudan into the Horn. It's obvious that our clan system underwent changes once our ancestors embraced Islam.

I was reading up on some Merovingian/Carolingian history, the people of Charlemagne. These people were deeply Germanic, but once they established their empires and took on the mantle of successors of Rome, they started claiming descent from Greco-Roman deities to strengthen their legitimacy. The same phenomenon has occurred within Somali history: the claim of Arab ancestry, and more specifically Quraysh heritage, was made to tie us closer to Islam.

Because of this, all our historical achievements are usurped either by ethnic minorities within our own countries or hostile outside groups that try to diminish our achievements. We are part of a group of people who have had the longest unbroken connection to the horn but now bantus, who themselves only migrated outside of west africa in the 16th century claim us to be some outside force and our land to be occupied on one side, and arabs claiming all that we've achieved is because we supposedly came from their loins. Both are FALSE.
Many Africans really believe that we are invaders and not true Africans
While I don't think this has anything done with racism the dude from what I've seen seems like a decent guy. But there is this persistent among non somalis who research the horn to always reduce somali historical claims. I mean he literally bases his opinion on the endnoym "somali" not bring traceable . He points to the 11/12th century since that's when the first mention of haiwye dates back to. It's nonsensical.
Wish some of the people replying to him approached this more maturely. His intentions seem good but some of the stuff he said in his clarification seem odd and contradictory.

The coast may have had non-somali (or non-proto somali?) merchants that traded there, same way modern somalis were in aden/yemen and the swahili coast as traders/merchants does that mean the native population contribution/identity should be obfuscated for small groups of merchants that didn’t leave any linguistic or genetic or cultural evidence?

what he saying may be true for 3000 years ago or so, but the trading from the coast continued to exist even after the population started identifying as somali, I mean the somali nomads had a lunar calendar to help them track their movements who could’ve been but them lol. I hope they stick with the African term not ethio-Semites or southern Ethiopians, at least that would imply somalis given the location of the city
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