Romans in the last hour

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That's not the complete hadith it seems...

Amr ibn Al-As reported: The Quraish importer said to him that he heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say, “The Hour will be established and the Romans will be a majority of the people.” Amr said, “Be careful what you say.” The man said, “I have said what I heard from the Messenger of Allah.” Amr said, “If the Prophet said that, indeed, there are four qualities in them: they are the most judicious of people during a tribulation, they are the quickest to recover after a calamity, they are the quickest to return to battle after a retreat, and they behave well with the poor and weak. Their fifth quality is good and beautiful: they are best at preventing the oppression of their kings.”

How true is this:ohhh::ohhh:

Sounds like the attributes of white ppl.

Here is some brief explanation
Can someone clarify what this hadith means for me. It states that the last hour will not come until the romans are the majority, but Italy currently has a small population does that mean that the hour is still far?

Mustaurid al-Qurashi reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour would come (when) the Romans would form a majority amongst people.

Read the following thread with special emphasis on ashari post, we discussed this at length

The correct interpretation for them being the majority before the trumpet is blown is because a wind will take the soul of every believer and everyone with an atom weight of iman as per hadith before the last hour

The filth of the filth will be left who will openly fornicate on the streets like rabid dogs, the majority of these people will be Europeans and its obvious to see why and Allah knows best

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