Russia-Ukraine War Updates


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Venezuela should be a tropical Dubai or Norway, insanely incompetent leadership
Not possible with their population size, I would think. What you must realize about the UAE is that Emirati citizens make up 10-15% of the population. They're a little over a million people in a 10 million strong country so it's possible to make them very affluent with the oil money and now all the proceeds from all their sovereign wealth funds, tourism and the hundreds of ways they find to milk us expats like VAT. If they had about 30 million Emiratis like Venezuelans do the story would be very different.

The 8.5-9 million expats don't all live affluently. It's very much like any other first world society if not worse. Loads of dirt poor laborer men, lower-middle-class families, middle-class and only a fair amount of upper-middle class and millionaire to billionaire folks who are still the minority.

