Russia-Ukraine War Updates

Omar del Sur

as far as English media, I tend to listen to Fox a lot.

I thought "okay, well let me try to listen to MSNBC to get an idea of what they're saying".... here I am trying to hear what they have to say.... I search "msnbc" and this is the first thing that pops up

my God- will they still be doing this if I turn 70? I'll be 70 years old in a wheel chair, turn on MSNBC and they'll still be talking about Trump? when the Dajjal is revealed and Imam Mahdi arrives- are they still going to be ranting about Trump?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Russia looks like it will have the upper hand in this conflict.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if NATO gives Ukraine a blank cheque, all the money and weapons they need.

Wouldn’t be surprised seeing some other smaller European nations put boots on the ground.

This is interesting.


Russia looks like it will have the upper hand in this conflict.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if NATO gives Ukraine a blank cheque, all the money and weapons they need.

Wouldn’t be surprised seeing some other smaller European nations put boots on the ground.

This is interesting.
they wont fight for ukraine. uncle sam has no appetite for war. and ingiriis is isolationist. germany will not for business. france wont.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
The Ukraine’s only chance of regaining their country from here on is going underground and wage a gorilla warfare. They’ll get weapons from the West. Russia will bleed fast.

