Russia-Ukraine War Updates

Russia Uses Powerful Tu-22M Long-Range Bombers To ‘Carpet Bomb’ City Of Mariupol

Russian forces have been shelling the city frequently. Most recently, they decimated the Azovstal steel factory, where the majority of Ukrainian soldiers were holed up. Russian Tu-22M bombers crossed into Ukrainian airspace and released unguided bombs on Ukrainian forces in the besieged port city, marking it the first time Moscow has used long-range bombers in the conflict. A Russian drone recorded the bombing raid, which was also later confirmed by Ukrainian forces. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said that the long-range bombers are being employed to assault Mariupol. A bundle of gravity bombs exploding on the campus of the Azovstal steel factory on the eastern outskirts of Mariupol is visible in drone footage




:mjlol: :mjlol:

Crater left by a Russian Fab-3000 bomb in Ukraine

The Ukrainian outpost was destroyed to the ground by the most powerful explosion of the FAB-3000 aerial bomb.

The video, showing a huge crater about 15-20 meters deep and about 80 meters in diameter, was the result of the explosion of one of the most powerful high-explosive cluster bombs - FAB-3000. Data on this topic was voiced by a number of sources and it was noted that the outpost of the Ukrainian troops, which was previously in this place, was literally swept away and destroyed to the foundations. On the shown video images you can see a huge crater that was formed after the explosion of the FAB-3000 high-explosive cluster bomb at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Experts suspect that it is the explosion of two air bombs at once, since it has the characteristic features of a funnel, into which a multi-storey residential building can easily fit. In fact, to date, this is the first known documentary evidence of the combat detonation of the FAB-3000 bomb. Moreover, by the magnitude of the explosion, the Ukrainian military had no chance of survival , since it was neither directly in the epicenter of the fall and detonation of an aerial bomb, nor within a radius of several hundred meters - the blast wave simply dissipated the equipment and positions of Ukrainian troops .