Russia-Ukraine War Updates

To be fair to Ukraine, those nukes were set up to hit targets between 5,000 to 10,000km away meaning either the US or sparsely inhabited far-east of Russia.

Also, it would’ve taken Ukraine up to 2 years to even fix the nuclear weapons left behind by the Russians as they were disabled. In that period, they would’ve faced a Russian invasion or US sanctions for not denuclearising as agreed.
I know there were some challenges but this world isn't for those who focuses on challenges but its for those who takes uncertainties to achieve their goals, there are those countries who dont even single old nuke but eager to develop it in the face of all of those imminent threats, so to me there were some challanges ahead of them but that couldn't be an excuse for disarming, they have thousands of warheads, bombers and hundreds of ICBM together with the technical know how to fix and make then functional but they disarmed themselves just for fear of sactions and thats an acceptable.

I would rather take the risk of being invaded than accepting to live by the mercy of a neighboring nation forever.


Holy shit! it's happening. Never expected the malhama to come this soon. Putin is really testing the west and they seem to have folded.

Get ready folks soon the dollar will collapse, gas prices will sky rocket and food prices will double. Wonder if china will invade taiwan next.

Sanctions mean nothing to Russia if the west is encroaching on their doorstep.

Holy shit! it's happening. Never expected the malhama to come this soon. Putin is really testing the west and they seem to have folded.

Get ready folks soon the dollar will collapse, gas prices will sky rocket and food prices will double. Wonder if china will invade taiwan next.

Sanctions mean nothing to Russia if the west is encroaching on their doorstep.

there's no malhama coming right now calm down lol, talk about overreaction


I bet racist ass Western Europeans will not make a big fuss about huge numbers of Ukrainian refugees, while they had a temper tantrum when it came to Syrians.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I am

I feel bad for the guy and I hope he makes it home safe, Amin. He has nothing to do with this conflict between brother peoples russians and ukrainians.
Hes trapped he has to run to Poland border by foot. All roads are jammed and in deadlock. Its good for him he can easily get to Germany and have a valid excuse for sharci (fled from Kyiev lul)

