Russia-Ukraine War Updates


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Do you realise how bad things have to be for someone to ally with the Nazis instead of their own brothers? The Ukrainians were only initially receptive to working with the Nazis but they eventually suffered greater casualties (per capita) than the Russians in the fight against the 3rd Reich.

Do you know where the biggest casualties at the hands of nazis took place? It was none other than Ukraine and Belarus. The deadliest battlefields against the nazis took place in Minsk and Ukraine. The so-called nationalists aided the nazis that were killing them in great numbers, they’re dabodhilif. just google Stepan Bandera, he’s literally the Ahmed Gurey of nationalistic Ukraine. I am not pro or anti Russia, IDC. But this just shows that the media is running with one narrative, instead of just reporting the events.
Do you realise how bad things have to be for someone to ally with the Nazis instead of their own brothers? The Ukrainians were only initially receptive to working with the Nazis but they eventually suffered greater casualties (per capita) than the Russians in the fight against the 3rd Reich.
They tried to work with a regime that saw them as sub-humans fit only for serfdom to future German settlers. The Soviets weren't the best rulers I admit but at least they shared culture with Ukrainians and they didn't think less of them.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)

Wow Ukrainians starved Crimea from water the Soviet built freshwater canal from Ukraine but they filled it with cement essentially making the island dependent on Russia for water which cost billions. Crimea EEZ also holds significant amount of offshore natural gas worth billions . Putin wants his nation to hold the monopoly of supplying Europe gas and now he has secured that.

Theres also shale oil in Donatask and Lviev and Shell was trying to take it out until the invasion when they fled. Wow, just wow.
The whataboutism is strong here.

FYI, I agree that Catalonia, Scotland and Northern Ireland should be independent but this discussion isn’t about them.

Secondly, comparing the life that Ukrainians will have under Russian annexation to a Scottish person in the UK is so ludicrous.

Your argument about post-WWI carving can be made about several nation states in Europe.

If this was 1939, you would be justifying Anschluss and the capturing of the Sudetenland.

I know this ain't about Scotland, Catalonia or Northern Ireland but those analogies are historically flawed. Apart from Ireland, the rest of the above countries were not subjected to cultural ethnic cleansing historically speaking. Scotland was never wholly Gaelic speaking as Lowland Scotland was historically English speaking (Scots) due to the Germanic settlement of Southern Scotland. English gradually became the dominant language of the Scottish aristocracy even before the union of England, Scotland and Ireland when the Scottish James IV/James I became the sole sovereign. Ironically, it was this Scottish King that started to promote Scots at the expense of Gaelic in the Highlands.

Catalonian Nationalism is a 19th century creation by some intellectual elites as there was no national consciousness in centuries past, the same obviously applies to many other European nationalist movements. Their pre-19th century historical grievance against the Spanish State mainly stems from the fact that they were sidelined after Catalonia and others such as Valencia backed the wrong claimant (Hapsburg) to the Spanish throne during the War of Succession, and suffered the loss of privileges as a result. They never ever sought a historical divorce from the Spanish Crown that came into being after the Union of Aragon and Castile.

As for Ukraine, they did belong to the same historical ethnic group as Russians and Belarussians. However, centuries of a separate existence and the development of a distinct language caused them to organically become distinct from the main body of Rus. To deny them self-determination on the basis that they and the Russians have the same ethnic origin in the Kievan Rus is akin to asking the Netherlands to be dissolved and united with Germany because all Western Germanic speakers are Deutsch/Duits historically speaking.


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