Russia-Ukraine War Updates

Omar del Sur

@Omar del Sur

I think soon the Western propaganda machine will link Russia to ISIS.

Too predictable. ''RUSSIAN FUNDED TERRORISTS!!1 Be afraid!''

I think if Muslims become the supposed "bad guy" again.

In a way, I think it's kind of a good time to be a Muslim in the United States. Of course, many people are utterly clueless about Islam and I think almost perceive Muslims like they're from another planet.

But I think here in the US the anti-Muslim hysteria of the early 2000's has died down. I think the state is focused on a campaign against white conservatives as their political enemies. They don't like Islam or anything that's socially conservative but Muslims like a 2% minority here. The white conservative Republican elements are almost like half the country. So they're sort of at war with that element. I think they're too focused on white conservatives to really focus on rallying the people against Muslims. And anti-Muslim rhetoric could play into the hands of the conservatives as it could turn people against the "diversity" stuff.

But now suddenly they kind of need that element if they want to fight a hot war with Russia. But yet they're at war with them as their political enemies.

The theory I've seen is that socially conservative elements in the West will be painted as Russian agents. If you rail against Western decadence and such- you will be a "Putin agent". And so I guess they will rally people around defense of "democracy" which apparently means degeneracy.

I just don't see how they win this conflict. No hardline defender of degeneracy is really the fighting type. And no red-blooded conservative element is really going to want to fight what the West now stands for. It seems unwinnable for the West.


Forza Somalia!
Funny how a fellow Mongol is using the word horde as a dogwhistle.


Golden Horde, the most based name in history. :lol:
Say mongol to him and you will see him turn to red berry.

P.S that ilkhanate didn’t reach Egypt
The original Indo-Europeans came from Ukraine. Lol, if the Nazi regime survived to this day and saw the latest genetic studies they would not consider Slavs as untermenschen. They would be more racist towards the French, Iberians, and Italians.
Italians are (mostly) genetically just Europe's climate adapted (pale skinned) mediterraneans from Palestine. Infact for me only Italians that look (partly) your stereotypically european are north italians from the northern part of Po River so not even all north italians because the others look indistinguible from central italians, mostly alpinized gracile or atlanto-meds folks.
Funny how a fellow Mongol is using the word horde as a dogwhistle.


Golden horde, the most based name in history. :lol:

You see, this is precisely why I respect those 5'4 Asians; they've taken the war to the Europeans at certain points in their history..

..Jilec-hearted, Langaab Africans have never done anything of the sort.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
all 3 baltic states are nato members. nato is a few hours away from st petersburg. if ukraine joined nato russia is completely boxed in. from land from europe from blatic states and ukraine and poland-belarus border. and from the caucasus they reach iran (too strong) and turkey (nato). russia is nearly surrounded. eastern europe is russias backyard. western europe is eu backyard. americas are usa backyard. nato are stepping on their toes.

They can have Central Asia, no one cares about that place.

Second rate region for a second rate power.
Yep. However, Tatars in Western Eurasia are now heavily mixed with Slavs, Romanians, and Anatolians.

Most of them look like West Asians, not very East Asian looking anymore. Although you can see they have smallish eyes compared to other ethnicities near them.
Ukrainian & Russian Cossacks done a thorough job of removing the Tartar/Asiatic yoke from Eastern Europe. The Russians took the fight to Siberia and greatly expanded the realm of the Europeans.




Biden will give his first state of the union speech. i think something huge will happen in Ukraine as a respond.

Tonight might be the night that Russian troops go inside Kyiv.

