Russia-Ukraine War Updates

kinda reminds me off chechen war tactics in 90s

Yes, because its the only logical thing to do. They would be annihilated in open field battle by the russians.

Speaking of the chechens, they are now fighting a war that isnt their to fight... how low their leadership has sunken... there are no real chechens left.

Omar del Sur

I think the term more applicable to what the image is conveying is "double standard". And it is relevant as well in regards to those who talk as though the West is morally superior to Russia.

You are forgetting something crucial. The previous bombings were all bombings of Muslim nations. Ukrainians are Christians.

With the support Ukraine has received and the organization they have, we (Bosniaks) would have expelled the serbian army to the Carpathian mountains and beyond.

Instead did we not only fight the 4th largest military power in Europe in sneakers and with hunting rifles and homemade bombs made from water pipes, we fought a weapons embargo and the letargy and sometimes open hostility of the international community that did nothing to stop the attempted annihilation of a whole people.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
190k? Give a source. All I'm seeing is 70k Russians actually deployed inside Ukraine and a 25-30k combined forces of the DPR/LPR

This has been reported by both Ukraine and US intelligence. We don’t know for sure but it was referred to as larger than the Iraq and Afghanistan invading parties.

Im currently out but I’ll find the source.

Omar del Sur

You are forgetting something crucial. The previous bombings were all bombings of Muslim nation.

I am not forgetting that. I am keenly aware of it and therefore more opposed... at least in the case of the Sunni countries. Azerbaijan if I spell that right, I don't consider them a Muslim country. I don't see Shia as Muslim.

You are forgetting something crucial. The previous bombings were all bombings of Muslim nations. Ukrainians are Christians.

With the support Ukraine has received and the organization they have, we (Bosniaks) would have expelled the serbian army to the Carpathian mountains and beyond.

Instead did we not only fight the 4th largest military power in Europe in sneakers and with hunting rifles and homemade bombs made from water pipes, we fought a weapons embargo and the letargy and sometimes open hostility of the international community that did nothing to stop the attempted annihilation of a whole people.

I don't really understand what you're getting at. Did Russia support the Serbs?

this is just a logical thing in terms of geostrategy. if you're at the doorstep of Russia, it is likely to be in your strategic interest to support their rival. if you're at the doorstep of the US, it is likely to be in your strategic interest to support their rival.

I wouldn't blame you for following your geostrategic interest but I could be doing the same. We have different superpowers at our doorstep. I do hope, though, that my view represents the strategic interest of Muslims as a whole and not only any national interests. I am a Muslim before anything. That being said, I don't blame anyone for doing what they have to do in the face of an existential threat. And frankly I think the US and Russia both are threats to Muslims, I just think the US is a relatively bigger threat.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
A new Cold War will lead to epic Hollywood movies like Rocky and Rambo :banderas:
it took the americans 6 days to reach baghdad and America and their allies had over 300,000 soldiers. plus by that time Iraq had suffered almost 10 years of sanctions and decline. Compare that to Ukraine who since 2014 have been armed by the west, have a bigger country are more populated and have a vastly superior military equipment compared to Iraq.

another point is majority of the iraqs welcomed the americans while most of Ukraine is patriotic. plus the whole world is supporting Ukraine with money/military equipment while the whole world was against Saddam/iraq

now looking at all of that and Russia on day one basically landed special troops 20km outside of Kyiv and captured their airport. Russia is a declining superpower but i am way more impressed with Russian military prowess specially since they used probably around 50k soldiers so far.


I love you Putin :banderas:

Pls cuck NATO more and take over Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. They belong to you just as much as Ukraine.


Nigga those are NATO countries.

You really tryna start WWIII.

Putin needs to test the waters, will the West really start WW3 over some gaajo Eastern European countries? I don’t think they would. I think they don’t care about them even if they’re NATO. He needs to reclaim these ex-Soviet countries.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Putin needs to test the waters, will the West really start WW3 over some gaajo Eastern European countries? I don’t think they would. I think they don’t care about them even if they’re NATO. He needs to reclaim these ex-Soviet countries.

They started WWII over Poland and WWI over Belgium. Don’t underestimate.

The West don’t care about them in a sense that they could give less of shit if they’re in NATO or not. But they would care if they get colonised.

Even if the US decide it’s not worth it, the UK most likely will. That will mean nukes hitting your city.

