Russia-Ukraine War Updates



Colonialism / white guilt rhetoric doesn't work on Eastern Europeans.


Naive, stupid, miskeen Africans getting involved in something that doesn't concern them; maybe Europeans were right when they likened Africans to children.


I support it. They'll get a payday out of it, make Russia look like they have allies, and most importantly it will piss the right people off.

I want to see African soldiers denazify the streets of Europe. :banderas: :banderas:

It'll traumatize the white psyche for generations to come.

"I j-just enjoy Norse mythology bro"

Not sure if already posted

Emails also showed that Meta would allow praise of the right-wing Azov battalion, which is normally prohibited, in a change first reported by The Intercept.

The Meta spokesperson Joe Osborne previously said the company was "for the time being, making a narrow exception for praise of the Azov Regiment strictly in the context of defending Ukraine, or in their role as part of the Ukraine National Guard."
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DDG is dead. I thought social media successfully undermined traditional media and would be a bane to the propagandists, but the level of control they have is jarring. They've adapted and are thriving. I'm convinced Internet freedom has peaked.


Omar del Sur

Colonialism / white guilt rhetoric doesn't work on Eastern Europeans.



no way do the white leftists champion anti-colonialism. they themselves are foot soldiers of "woke imperialism"... they are cheerleaders of imperialism..... they rant about racism all day long but they don't seem to even understand the concept of what "imperialism" is.... they preach about George Floyd and BLM while championing Western imperialism

Omar del Sur


the attack on RT is what has me heated. China and Russia have never stepped on my toes to this extent. this is real totalitarianism they want to push on the entire world and the West has to lose or we all become basically slaves to globohomo totalitarianism. and contrary to what the West defenders may want to claim, the alternative is not some sort of Chinese or Russian totalitarianism. Pakistan and Venezuela are both aligned with that bloc but neither of those are totalitarian states. You can listen to BBC and CNN if you desire in those countries.
One out of three foreign fighters dies in battles. They have to sign a contract when crossing over the border to Ukraine that places conditions upon martial law. This means they cannot leave when they want. This can take years, and deserters get life in prison.

The foreign fighters must understand they are not exempt from being tried under international law if they partake in actions that break them.

Ukrainian law, in certain circumstances, gives legal justification to shoot deserters (won't happen).

