Russian Strategy rather than Winter reason for victory against Napoleon

Samaalic Era

Russians can not fall back into Siberia the tactic of draining someone can work both ways. Russian winters and modern tech make scorched earth while eating off the land elsewhere in russia impossible especially for any army large in size. They have industrialized and are now reliant on there western side completely.

It wasn’t the winter that won it was the ego and shortsightedness of the German/french against the lower russian that lost. The same way Russia was victimized in Finland later on.
They all got reinforcements from Siberia and moved there factories there. Siberia is the heart of Russia


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Russians can not fall back into Siberia the tactic of draining someone can work both ways. Russian winters and modern tech make scorched earth while eating off the land elsewhere in russia impossible especially for any army large in size. They have industrialized and are now reliant on there western side completely.

It wasn’t the winter that won it was the ego and shortsightedness of the German/french against the lower russian that lost. The same way Russia was victimized in Finland later on.
Napoleon had no clear goal other than a punitive expedition, you hit it 100% on the nail there.

He assumed a quick roll in and karbash would get the Russians to come to terms and he'd be gone by winter with Russia forced back in his Continental System.


Getting draids inshallah
Napoleon is a a badass still. Here is my favorite battle of his:
But I agree with @Removed , it was the French and German hubris that lost them both wars. If only Napoleon had stayed in Poland/Prussia and consolidated his gains he would've been set. Same for the Germans. They should've knocked out Britain first and consolidated France first. Arrogance kills.

Funnily enough, great generals, Alexander, Napoleon, Hannibal, Khalid bin Walid, etc make terrible governors but excellent commanders.
They just don't know when to stop. Even Caeser in the end was planning a campaign in Egypt/Middle East.

Consolidating your gains is much harder then beating an army or two.

