Sahara desert green

Have you experienced climate change

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How is climate change effecting where your currently live? Have you been experiencing drier season or flooding? The west will be come desert soon. The Sahara is greening . Somalia that was a desert will be greener also. For instance my state for the longest had water restriction. You can only water your lawn during 2 days out of the week.
We are gone have to build a border wall also because countries like Nigeria with 200 million will be come a desert also. It's like the equator has switched poles now desert will green and green location will become desert. For instance these Northern European countries will become hot and dry like Somalia.
With much more rain fall old dried out rivers and lakes will come back to Somalia. We have to learn how take advantage of these. For instance there will be more mosquitoes but we have to learn how to prevent those with agriculture. We also could divert multiple rivers to one and create a dam to get free electricity
Minnesota has been getting warmer each year. Its 55 degrees right now and couple days ago it was 70. This never happened 10 years ago.
Minnesota is knew for its 10k lakes and frozen landscapes its similar to Russia, but have you guys experienced random skin holes cropping up ? because once the permafrost melts there will be large sinkholes that stretch for miles.
Where i live there isnt tht many sink holes but i googled and city of fountain is known for it
Minnesota is knew for its 10k lakes and frozen landscapes its similar to Russia, but have you guys experienced random skin holes cropping up ? because once the permafrost melts there will be large sinkholes that stretch for miles.

