He banned waraabe?
This guy has lost it
Haa it's a purge.
Laakin wait a minute, how comes he ain't banned yo ass?
Wax baa salagle, something smells fishy here
Is you undercover Wadaniland supporter aka double agent?
kkkk I didn't ban anyone sxb. I am in a good mood and happy for the new Wadaniland mamuul.
But shoving someone that had a very prominent role in a bloody and bitter civil war is a very bitter pill to swallow. He was forgiven but that doesn't mean the feelings are forgotten. If he had any redeeming qualities he would stay in the background. HY could also assemble their civil war militants as well, but they brought a Miskeen from Finland.
A colonel that massacred your people becoming the president by way of rigging. That's just too much.
What's your point? There was a power vacuum and the fighting wasn't even that bad since civilians weren't targeted. Teedakale Cigaal was the most prominent figure of what happened & he became the first official president of SL. Niggaz is just scared of Muuse. Kulmiiye is the SNM party, from Silaanyo to Muuse only kuwi dalkooda uhalgamay baahogaaminaya![]()
Lol@ comparing political talent cigaal to that guy. I am just saying his election is opening some wounds. Only people that are scared and disheartened in this thread are Isaaqs.
I didn't know transmen produced
Your'll be a female
Genetically always abaayo
Is that supposed to be a comeback or insult?
Habar jeclo women are as easy as microwavable foods. Servin their pu$$y up on platter for carbonated drinks wallahi.
When i throttle this birds throat and release all this habar yoonis nut down her esophagus and she gracefully swallows it i'll be sure to congratulate her on the victory.![]()
Lol@ comparing political talent cigaal to that guy. I am just saying his election is opening some wounds. Only people that are scared and disheartened in this thread are Isaaqs.
Your haber younis hooya probably
sucked so many haber jeclo dicks
she will never be Satisfied with
your fathers 3inches which you
Your'll be sucking
Haber awal dick as musa bixi
Is the new president
Slurp slurp slurp hoe
I can just feel the hurt ooze outta that post.
Aye man don't project your misfortunes on me. If that's what your poor mother had to endure...
Perhaps that is why the newer generation habar jeclo hoes are out here bussing it open to HY men for strawberry fanta and conversation.![]()
As a way of releasing my aggression, this shorty from gabiley i been dealin with might have to catch my nut in her eye or down her throat. Haven't decided which is more degrading yet.
But seein as how we don't go about things in a democratic way, she won't really have a say.
same thing with this habar jeclo bird i met on a datin app.
either way, gabdaha kulmiye catchin a ferocious nut. Believe that.![]()