Saudi arabia in 2024



Cant believe these nig.gas exported salafi wahhabism and corrupted the muslim world with terrorism and then after a short few years of MSB rule became westernised liberal degenerates whilst leaving muslim countries destroyed with extremists
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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba

Cant believe these nig.gas exported salafi wahhabism and corrupted the muslim world with terrorism and then after a short few years of MSB became l westernised liberal degenerates whilst leaving muslim countries destroyed with extremists
These bums are hiding bro, 95% of women here are still in full niqabs.
They aren't Saudis πŸ’―
They're from somewhere else.
Aaaand, this Is prob in an expat village.


These bums are hiding bro, 95% of women here are still in full niqabs.
They aren't Saudis πŸ’―
They're from somewhere else.
Aaaand, this Is prob in an expat village.
What’s with this cope ? of course they’re saudis lol. Don’t know why it hurts you so bad..?
What people may not know yet, is that these kind of people always existed, but behind closed doors, and when they get on planes, they disrobe immediately. People did party, behind closed doors, they did have boyfriends/girlfriends, or same gender 'lovers'. All of this was there, now they are allowed to be out in the public.

That country created a society in which religion is forced, not fostered with love, combined with archaic Arab woman hatred, possessiveness and control. Combined with extreme gender segregation. All of that created a cocktail of qowmu luut, pretending to worship Allah, and all sorts of other deviancy and sinning.
These bums are hiding bro, 95% of women here are still in full niqabs.
They aren't Saudis πŸ’―
They're from somewhere else.
Aaaand, this Is prob in an expat village.

I know people who work/live there, 95% are NOT niqabi, and the niqab wasn't worn in high numbers for a few years actually. I would argue prior to 2014. In addition, the morality police was also disbanded a few years ago. A lot of other Arabs also live in Saudi Arabia who don't wear niqab culturally in the same number, such as Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese etc.

Cant believe these nig.gas exported salafi wahhabism and corrupted the muslim world with terrorism and then after a short few years of MSB rule became westernised liberal degenerates whilst leaving muslim countries destroyed with extremists
So you do support that ?:cosbyhmm: so why you mad if you aren't "Salafi"?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Cant believe these nig.gas exported salafi wahhabism and corrupted the muslim world with terrorism and then after a short few years of MSB rule became westernised liberal degenerates whilst leaving muslim countries destroyed with extremists

They were instructed to this, we know by whom.


Let him cook
I recently visited Saudi Arabia. And it was a lot of women working. Many were wearing niqab but not all. They also interacted with men. They worked many of the airport security and desk jobs and even saw some driving around. Wasn’t like this in past. Also ran it o some racism which isn’t suprising with such conservative country shielded from world

It’s still seemed very conservative country. I can’t think of a more Islamic and conservative country anywhere in world. Technology makes it easier though with apps Karem is like Uber and also using iPhone speech for translation


If the move away from being the source of wahhabism then perhaps we can see a swift collapse of terrorist. I think Saudis are simply going through the same cycle other powers have like the Ottomans, initially a strongly conservative and militant state that through the years becomes decadent.
Liberalism isn't new to Saudi Arabia. They were liberal till the revolution of Iran back in 1979. That is when they started being hardline conservatives again. Don't know why people act as if liberalism started with Mbs.

They only started exporting Wahhabism because they feared Iran.


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