Saudi ex-Muslim Terror attack in Germany kills 12 people during Christmas Festival


I don't believe ISIS was responsible. The guy who did it was some retired doctor in his 50s.

But yeah, most likely a false flag event.


He was apparently from a shia background not even Sunni.

An ex-shia kaffir who dedicated his life to attacking Islam/Muslims and a major supporter of zionists.

Shits crazy what a plot twist
The Wire Roland Brice GIF


Exactly. Sweden, Germany, Spain, France, and etc. It’s them committing crimes like rape and literal terrorist attacks. Syrians, Moroccans, and Iraqis especially like wtf. We need to quickly disassociate ourselves from that demographic as the far right comes into power (because of their actions).

For those of you who jump at every opportunity to disparage Islam and/or Muslims. Give it a rest, Muslims will not disassociated from one another especially not to please the kuffar you love to tap dance for. Most Muslims are committed to Islam and Muslims and do not suffer from the crippling inferiority complex some of you do. It is getting old, has never worked, you need to rest and save your energy a lot more powerful people have tried and failed at these pathetic antics.
Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen lives in Germany now – but there was once a time where he lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, and was incapable of safely expressing his atheism.

After successfully seeking asylum in Germany, he decided to set up the website to create an information resource for others to do the same.

It’s now a go-to resource for people all over the Arab region – but why are most of the people that approach Taleb for help women?



Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen lives in Germany now – but there was once a time where he lived and worked in Saudi Arabia, and was incapable of safely expressing his atheism.

After successfully seeking asylum in Germany, he decided to set up the website to create an information resource for others to do the same.

It’s now a go-to resource for people all over the Arab region – but why are most of the people that approach Taleb for help women?

Murtads are almost always and by nature mentally deranged degenerates, so it is not surprising.



Look at this Iranian-Shiici hating on Sunnis for no reason.
He will probably delete it soon and pretend like nothing happened. :pacspit:

The shia "axis-of-resistance" was an axis of suppressing Islam and Muslims (sunni).

If you look at their actions and the amount of Sunnis they have killed in comparison to the zionists, it would make sense of the state of affairs today.

How they have done nothing to weaken the zionists and how quickly they have now switched to islamophobia and joining zionists and islamophobes in calling all Muslims terrorists.

Their true colours are being exposed to some of the gullible.

