Saudi ex-Muslim Terror attack in Germany kills 12 people during Christmas Festival


Forza Somalia!
The anti-muslims are coming to the realization that he may actually was insane and on drugs.

It is funny how quick they pulled the the taqqiya thing and portrayed him as Shia radical.


Forza Somalia!
Well, look Abdifreedom again using far-right talking points in Sspot

The tweet is trying to give the impression that UK and Ireland are red because of immigrants, not because IRA. The same with Norway or Belarus. Corsica is

UK-Ireland are red because of IRA
Belarus had bombings that were described as terror attacks, carried by Belarusian.
Norway had Neo-Nazi terror attacks
Corsica had FLNC terror attacks
Ukraine had their own "terror" bombings

More than 80% of the dots in the list aren't because immigrants but natives.


There will be new elections in germany soon. This attack comes at the right time for the AfD. In order to get new voters, they increase the hatred against Muslims/foreigners. It wouldn't be a surprise if the Zionists/right-wing planned the attack.