Say no to Digital ID and CBDC's. The New World Order Agenda Will Be Implemented in 2025

This is a very, very important topic.

While 99% of the world's population is preoccupied with distractions from celebrity puppets on the world stage, the upcoming generation (16 and younger) who have grown up with nothing but smartphones, and those that come after them will face a dire future. This is what they are pushing everyone in the world to accept.

Keir Starmer, Biden, Trudeau are all following this playbook.
1. Create havoc and terror with illegal immigration and psyops
2. Use digital ID and police state to "protect you" from the above.

As people become increasingly glued to their phones and fall under the influence of social media indoctrination, craving instant access to everything and depending on technology for convenience, society is gradually drifting into an authoritarian regime. This is not being concealed, it's open and in plain sight. The only effective way to counter this is through mass non compliance of the system, to revert to brick mobile phones, abstain from owning latest technologies/smartphones, completely disengage from news, mainstream and social media.

2020 was a reset date, and every one of their plans since is coming along together: the interconnectedness of inflation, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Digital IDs, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Universal Basic Income (UBI), and Facial Recognition is all intentional and linked. Problem, reaction, solution.


The way you can describe the world today is akin to sheep in a pasture grazing while following the farmer’s commands, trusting him because he feeds and cares for them when they are unwell. They accompany him to the slaughterhouse, stepping off the trailer and into their fate, never suspecting he would harm them. They likely remain oblivious to the fact that he is the one who has led them into this situation as the knife is drawn. Many people simply refuse to accept that such a reality could occur. Just look around you.


Even after the covid compliance testing of 2020-2022 demonstrated that the populace would acquiesce to almost anything.

This may correlate with the rise of smartphones and social media apps around 2007, which I often identify as the beginning of this shift toward the collective sheep mindset. People are now more invested in how others perceive their major life choices than in adhering to their own moral principles, often blissfully distracted by their own enslavement.

Those in power are aware of this. Their strategy involves UBI—free money, but with strings attached, including surveillance of your personal data, including health information. They will likely require 'preventative' medications to qualify for their health insurance. Do your research, visit the WEF website and look into Agenda 2030 goals (enslavement under the guise of environmental protection due to climate change.)

Individuals will be confined to their small living spaces called pods and restricted to designated zones called 15 minute cities unless they have applied for a permit for non-essential travel, contingent on having saved enough carbon credits throughout the year. Essentially, people will face a choice: lose everything and embrace the freedom of the past or remain dependent on the oppressive system that resembles a Dajjalic system, complete with all its enticements.

Asch's conformity experiments illustrate this concept of conformity what happened in 2020, and what will happen again well.

Just as a dog is trained with treats, humans are conditioned with money, enabling them to purchase their own rewards.

AI is a ruse. Everything is meticulously programmed. Their so-called 'self-learning' capabilities have proven to be ineffective since they cannot fabricate a lie. Those who refuse to stand firm, who will not obey or participate—even at the cost of a swift demise—will find themselves trapped within this system. Some will always manage to remain free until the end.

The oppressive measures will be too blatant; they will not resort to overt force. Instead, they will promote convenience. We witnessed this during the compliance tests of 2020 and 2021 when people were willing to do anything to visit a pub, go to the cinema, or board a plane. By restricting access to these activities until individuals comply with a digital ID requirement, many will eagerly rush to obtain their idiocy tattoo before their neighbors.

You cannot place your trust in any so-called 'resistance movements.' No far right party, Trump, Musk, Farage is 'coming to save you', the left wing and right wing belong to the same bird. Albert Pike, 33rd Freemason said, "Whenever we the masses need a hero, we shall supply them. "

Dont trust any 'resistance' group. They are government owned and manipulated, directing you toward compliance through the guise of alternative routes. The only reliable strategy is to trust yourself and your own plans for survival and prosperity outside this system, along with perhaps a small circle of trusted people who you know thoroughly.

The whole world will soon follow China's footsteps
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The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
Albert pike was a confederate and was considered one of the greatest Freemasons to ever live because he interpreted ancient Babylonian texts and made easier for them to understand the enterprise

These people always have false hero’s like trump who is owned by New York bankers and use nations as experiments like the Soviet Union and communist China or North Korea

The world economic forum always gets what they want soon meat will be banned , Bank accounts and passports and other essential documents of verification will be digital

The United States is also a freemasonry experiment and has a fail safe ensuring there down fall should they prove unworthy and it’s already happened time is running out only a matter of time before they declare bankruptcy and start taking assets

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
If there is anyone left who is publicly speaking about this they will be shot dead by FBI gestapo like Bill Cooper who was shot and killed a month after 9/11

This predates the modern world these people have been influenced by the “light ”since the time of prophet Noah as is said in the Bible pre English translation the generation before the flood was godless and were ruled by men who were famous for there violent exploits and supposedly conquered nature

They also believe a messiah from London will come and declare himself ruler of the whole world they are preparing for his arrival and are obsessed with symbolizing his eye

I will again remind the people on this forum that on the back of the great seal of the United States when translated from Latin to English reads “the order of the new ages ”


Forza Somalia!
Finland, Estonia and many first world countries use digital ID and signature for everything. You almost don't need to go to any office, you want to open a comapny, file for divorce, change your residence, etc can be done through the internet.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
Finland, Estonia and many first world countries use digital ID and signature for everything. You almost don't need to go to any office, you want to open a comapny, file for divorce, change your residence, etc can be done through the internet.
Joe Biden passed a law that allows law enforcement to turn your car off as all viechles will now have a “kill switch ”

This for some reason is not being reported by mainstream media wonder why
Finland, Estonia and many first world countries use digital ID and signature for everything. You almost don't need to go to any office, you want to open a comapny, file for divorce, change your residence, etc can be done through the internet.
Yes Estonia did it back in 2015 I think. In Sweden around the same year, people injecting a chip the size of rice in between their thumb and index finger. People use it to open doors, pay for food ect. I think its their end goal.
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Don't you see how bad the hurricanes are getting in Florida and the amount of global droughts, the late and extreme cold, the sweltering summers?
Weather modification is real and has been done for God knows how long, possibly as early as the 1950's. The government can make it rain, flood, snow, you name it.

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If there is anyone left who is publicly speaking about this they will be shot dead by FBI gestapo like Bill Cooper who was shot and killed a month after 9/11

This predates the modern world these people have been influenced by the “light ”since the time of prophet Noah as is said in the Bible pre English translation the generation before the flood was godless and were ruled by men who were famous for there violent exploits and supposedly conquered nature

They also believe a messiah from London will come and declare himself ruler of the whole world they are preparing for his arrival and are obsessed with symbolizing his eye

I will again remind the people on this forum that on the back of the great seal of the United States when translated from Latin to English reads “the order of the new ages ”
There are no such thing as whistleblowers. They control both sides of the narrative always.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
Season 9 Lol GIF by The Office

You believe that?
Denmark is spending billions trying to introduce plant based meat it’s happening there going start calling eating bugs “healthy ”

If the restrict what you eat,how you spend ,and where you live they essentially own you

Black rock is buying up single family homes there already convincing the wage slaves having a “tiny home ”is alright
Yes Estonia did it back in 2015 I think. I think it was also Estonia (or maybe a different European country) that had people injecting a chip the size of rice in between their thumb and index finger. People use it to open doors, pay for food ect. I think its their end goal.

This is based in the US and shows a chip. The video even says that it was developed in the 1950's and 60's. I've always thought technology was being spoonfed to the public. However keep in mind the smallest type of tech that can be injected and monitored is called nanotechnology. They want to merge man with technology, it's called transhumanism.

The truth seeker

Silent weapons for quiet wars
This is based in the US and shows a chip. However keep in mind the smallest type of tech that can be injected and monitored is called nanotechnology. They want to merge man with technology, it's called transhumanism.
Man will conquer nature the core tenant of of humanism

If they put brain chips in your brain your essentially a slave they could electrocute you with a click of a button or paralyze you for jaywalking

The minute they take away the weapons its over you can’t fight back in Canada the tyrant over there already froze bank accounts simply for protesting

