If a gene has an allele that shows up at a 99% frequency in a population and at 1% in another can it not be ascribed to the population in which it is predominant?
From what I gather, that rarely happens, and many traditional races like ''Mongoloid'', ''Caucasoid'', ''Negroid'' have big internal divergences (Koreans vs Filipinos / Finns vs Greeks etc). It is never as simple as that.
I would argue that changing the frequency of the occurrence of thousands of alleles in a population would show up as admixture at some point. The insertion of an allele that is almost entirely exclusive to African population in a large number of non-Africans is very much an admixing.
I just don't see a way out of the auto-cucking problem for the HBDers who are obsessed with intelligence and raising it through genetic engineering.
The junk part of the genome is way too massive for those small phenotype alleles to matter.
PS. This HBD stuff is very creepy. Whenever I read about it, all I think is: this will cause World War III.