Second day of fighting continues in Ceel Afweyn, Somaliland region dozens killed

Listen for the last time there is Somaliland and Somalia, is that simple and end of.


You're no country if you have to beg so hard

You should accept what you are m8 a separatist faction who by hook or by crook shall fall to command sooner rather than later


Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

Muuse has well and truly taken North Somalia to early to mid 90's South Somalia level of qabyaalad iyo dagaal

Beelàha Sool and Sanaag should just announce a proper fairly split Federal state that will be the largest in the North
Keep dreaming bud:heh:

Fix the south first before thinking about the north. Seems like reer amisom priorities are out of wack. :mjkkk:


SY are not messing about. Porcupine young and old will not be spared. :manny:

Porcu 70 year olds relaxing in their beds thought they would be safe from a guy with a name like "Ina Libaax" :gucciwhat::russ:

"Wararku dheraadka ah Waxay sheegayaan in Dhimashadu 4 Qof Tahay Oo Laba Kamidi ay Yihiin Labada O'Day Oo aad Uwaawayn Oo Joogay Magalada Darar Wayne Oo Raqayo Tiin ah iyo Laba Caruura Oo Adhi La Joogay Oo Kasoo Jeeda Biisha Biciide Waxana Dilka Gaystay Ciidan Uu wato Nin Ina Libaax Lagu magacaabay Oo Ka mida Ciidanka Caare Oo Gawaadhi Watay ayaa Tuulada Oo Cidla ahay Soo Galay Markuu Cidba Ka waayay ayuu Labada O'Day Oo Meesha Joogay Ay Toogteen Labada Caruurana Waxay Meel aan halkaa ka fogayn adhi Lajoogayna Ay sii mareen Yagana Ay kusii Toogteen "


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Do i dare to dream Ceelafweyn will drop 30+ by dawn like the good old days? :wow1:


What I don't get is every time Porcupines get massacred they cry Caare did it as if that softens the blow kkkk.

