U have seen the pictures? In the news article it only stated a pakistani thats it. So where you got the pictures from.In case didn’t know those pictures are child ography
Because oromos are s and immigration laws are lax. Soon they will put up videos of promo girls and label them busty Somali girls! As if xalimos already don't have enough of a cheap and cl an reputatire.Why are there foreigners making in Somalia?
That article is so fake, you idiots believe anything. That picture was from a police raid in Wajaale of an Alcohol warehouse.
Fear Allah about lying and spreading false to defame a people
Somaliland is not part of Somalia
There is no photo they are lying sxbI wanna see the photos.
Balaq naaso
where is your prove. lol that came out of nowhere.Expose them @R.Kelly
Corrupt Somali politicians are paying money to have sex with 13 year old girls. We need to expose these politicians and take them to the international court of justice. They're sick in the head.