See if you can solve this puzzle

which is larger

  • A

  • B

  • same

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The years don't matter, the life in those years do
The sets A and B both contain infinitely many elements, but they have the same cardinality or number of elements.

To justify this, we can use the concept of one-to-one correspondence or bijection. Two sets have the same cardinality if we can establish a one-to-one correspondence between their elements.

In this case, we can establish a bijection between the elements of set A and the elements of set B by multiplying each element in A by 2. For example: 0 in A corresponds to 0 in B 1 in A corresponds to 2 in B 2 in A corresponds to 4 in B 3 in A corresponds to 6 in B and so on.

This mapping shows that every element in A can be paired with a unique element in B and vice versa. Therefore, A and B have the same number of elements, even though intuitively it might seem like A should have more elements since it includes all non-negative whole numbers. However, the concept of infinity in mathematics can be counterintuitive.

In set theory, we say that two sets have the same cardinality if there exists a bijection between them, regardless of any apparent differences in the nature or size of their elements. In this case, A and B have the same cardinality, so they have the same number of elements.

What does this even mean?


Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
What does this even mean?

Think About It GIF by Identity


general of ciidamada sida raha ubooda
How does that work
sorry? u mean whats the answer to the question? the answer is that even though A contains everything B contains and then more, A and B still have the same size/cardinality. My mind was also blown when i first learnt this, so i was wondering how people that didn't know this might react. yall reacted the same way i did
interesting answer, can you explain a bit more?
Specificity, and interpretation.
In set A, I intentionally selected all similar numbers found in 'A & B', excluded numbers not found in 'B', and harvested dissimilar numbers, which are then inserted into a dictionary, let us call it 'C', which shall serve what we call distinct key values in a new tuple. And therein lies the disparity between the two.

That are other computational factors to consider, but I am pressed for time.

In a nutshell, I also went by the logic, where I interpreted by 'more' to denote 'in value' instead of 'in count', which I trust was what you had in mind, and for a reason. Besides, principally, '1', the first odd number, would not be included in set 'B'.

Dissimilar, but of the same, NASA almost lost a spaceship by way of interpretation. The EU Engineering team, which built its navigation system commands used metric whereas US engineers extending it implied units in its implementation, ergo the former team lacking specificity whereas the latter failed in interpretation. Both are of critical value in tuples, and dictionaries.


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