@Al-Burcaawi I feel like you’re talking about me. I have a month worth of assignments to get done this weekend. We will get through this together
Just stock up on Red Bull and get in your head that you won’t be getting any sleep for 72 hours


A man trying to be successful
Something like this?




Milf hunter
I'm expecting a call from my teacher tomorrow, insha'Allah she'll explain everything and I can get to finish this shit.

This is also a perfect opportunity for me to curb my sspot addiction and finally fix my sleep schedule:banderas:

Ha la ii soo duceeyo walaalayaal:damn:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
- What type of course is this?
- What are the expectations of the assignment?/What does the assignment require of you? /What is the grading scale/breakdown?
- How long will it realistically take you to complete this assignment? 1. Barebones (as in the minimum effort/cutting corners to get a passable grade) 2. Amount of time required to get a decent mark?
-Are you looking to just pass or get a decent grade? Do you have an average to maintain? If so, what is it?
-What are your goals upon completion (of this course and after your program)?

