Hadaaftimo is under SL
2 PL vehicles captured, 1 destroyed.
PL captives sent to Erigabo.
Injured PL soldiers sent to Erigabo.
3 SL soldiers injured.
Separatist forces continuously raiding Somali territory, yet the FGS is silent![]()
FGS can’t take shit without risking getting bombed by AS. They have no authority over SanaagSeparatist forces continuously raiding Somali territory, yet the FGS is silent![]()
Good on SL for taking care of injured PL troops. If we treated them as how they treat us then they’d get a bullet in the head instead*Update*
Hadaaftimo is under SL
2 PL vehicles captured, 1 destroyed.
PL captives sent to Erigabo.
Injured PL soldiers sent to Erigabo.
3 SL soldiers injured.
Hadaaftimo is under SL
2 PL vehicles captured, 1 destroyed.
PL captives sent to Erigabo.
Injured PL soldiers sent to Erigabo.
3 SL soldiers injured.
Muslim somalis fighting other Muslim somalisAs half SL and PL I CAN'T TOLERATE THIS!!!
So Somaliland got their barracks back, the one last year that got raided when PL took over and those troops changed flag.
I wonder if they vehicles equipment & supplies are all there or were they taken
Buh buh buh I thought the naagos repulsed the attack![]()
Kulaha majerteeniya state, the level of hypocrisy...What subclans of DhabarMacaan are fighting for SL vs MajeerteeniyaState?
Hide? What’s there to hide from? Some cuqdaad filled khat addicts who can’t construct roads in Hargeisa after 30 years of peace isn’t something to be scared ofNo more Abo Siad and State funds to hide behind. Better sell your hooyos dahab and contribute
Kulaha majerteeniya state, the level of hypocrisy...ITS ISSAQIA VS MAJERTEENIYA STATE THEN! BE QUIET I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!
All the updates coming out is looking bad for Puntland state of Somalia , why does Jeegan always have superior warsans and Dhulos compared to PL?
SL/North is Isaaq dominated territory under DEMOCRACY. Yes. just like the WHOLE South is MAJORITY or almost half Hawiye. MajeerteeniyaState is MajeerteeniyaState because of it's ideology of CLAN-STATEHOOD with MaJeerteen dominating the the clan state under MAJEERTEENISM/Hartism.
If the you want to call the Northern DEMOCRATICALLY elected gpvernment Government Isaaqland because of Isaaq dominance then Hawiye can call the 1960 TrusteeshipOfSomalia HAWIYELAND because Hawiye dominate the Southern region as a WHOLE, including Majeerteeniya
Democracy... Pfft yeah rightSL/North is Isaaq dominated territory under DEMOCRACY.
Child calm down!cause all the superior and high iq dhulos/warans come to SL
All the updates coming out is looking bad for Puntland state of Somalia , why does Jeegan always have superior warsans and Dhulos compared to PL?