Severe Political Instability and Crisis in Gedo region


True Puntlander
The other half of hiraan ( Xl land) is also same size as middle shabelle whilst only two subs of abgaal living there but the whole of xl living in east hiraan. Waceysle have a whole district to their own in galgaduud as well as heavily populating xaradhere. We are not the same both land or population wise.

People get fooled because of Abgaal land being vertical rather than horizontal but xamar to xaradhere is around 500km but jalalaqsi to beledweyne is 182km. even Mogadishu to ceel dhere is roughly 350km. Zoom into abgaal and xl land on the map and you’ll see the clear difference View attachment 246050
This map not correct, my sub-clan reach near qadho and only shows qandala districts!!.
“Tallaabadan ayaa la rumeysan yahay in ay billow cusub u tahay dagaal siyaasadeed oo markale ka qarxa gobolka Gedo, kaas oo ku soo beegmay, kadib booqashadii Janan iyo Fartaag oo dhinaca Mandheera kasoo galay Gedo, waxaana is hortaag ku sameeyay mas’uuliyiinta Gedo, walow mar dambe lagu qanciyay in wafdigan uu tego degmada Dolow.”



Somali Commerce Minister Jibril Haji visits his constituency Ceelwaaq District which is fully under the Jubaland Adminstration. Ceelwaaq has had the privilege of hosting the lower house elections for Gedo region.

The Minister is insuring his constituency are getting all kinds of projects that Jubaland State has to offer as well as FGS and to make sure his constituency doesn’t get involved in the instability going around in the region. Guuleyso Wasiir!

It’s a very good thing to see “Ceel Qaaloow” MPs visiting their constituency.

This isn’t the first time by the way, In late October, Gedo MP Mursal Khalif along with Hiiraan MP Malik Abdalla visited Ceelwaaq District. I hope President Madoobe comes back to this special town.

The other half of hiraan ( Xl land) is also same size as middle shabelle whilst only two subs of abgaal living there but the whole of xl living in east hiraan. Waceysle have a whole district to their own in galgaduud as well as heavily populating xaradhere. We are not the same both land or population wise.

People get fooled because of Abgaal land being vertical rather than horizontal but xamar to xaradhere is around 500km but jalalaqsi to beledweyne is 182km. even Mogadishu to ceel dhere is roughly 350km. Zoom into abgaal and xl land on the map and you’ll see the clear difference View attachment 246050

Doctored map and evidently biased. Created by laangaabs projecting their insecurities. Below is the real Abikar 1999 map, you can google it. Hawadle territory is clearly evident. Stretching from Ethiopia, Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle and this still does not do justice to Hawadle territories in Filtu, Liban zones in Ethiopia but we'll leave it at this for now. Compare to the doctored map and the posters clans. If anything this map reveals, it's the realities of OG dominance in Jubaland.

What happened to Marehan in the REAL map lol

Waryaa Kheyre, you have to do a better job at this fkd!

Doctored map and evidently biased. Created by laangaabs projecting their insecurities. Below is the real Abikar 1999 map, you can google it. Hawadle territory is clearly evident. Stretching from Ethiopia, Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle and this still does not do justice to Hawadle territories in Filtu, Liban zones in Ethiopia but we'll leave it at this for now. Compare to the doctored map and the posters clans. If anything this map reveals, it's the realities of OG dominance in Jubaland.

What happened to Marehan in the REAL map lol

Waryaa Kheyre, you have to do a better job at this fkd!

View attachment 246069
This map shrinks waceysle and enlargens Mursade land in GM. Waceysle have ceel dhere district completely to their own but mursade share ceel buur district with duduble and also some cayr. Other than that I have no problem with this map
Masuliyiin Maamulka Gobolka Gedo, Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Gobolka Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Degmadama Madaxa Arrimaha Bulshada Doloow, Madaxa Maaliyada Degmada Baladxaawo Siyaasiin Xilbaan hore ayaa booqasho Hambalyo salaan qiimo leh ugu tagey. Taliyaha Nabadsugida Gobolka Gedo, Gen Jamaal Xasan Sareey.

Masuliyiinta ayaa soo dhaaweeyey, islamarkaana sheegey in la shaqeyn donaan Taliyaha, iyagoona ilaahay oga baryeen inuu xilka u fududeeyo.

Shaqaa socoto, halkaan igala soco



Doctored map and evidently biased. Created by laangaabs projecting their insecurities. Below is the real Abikar 1999 map, you can google it. Hawadle territory is clearly evident. Stretching from Ethiopia, Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle and this still does not do justice to Hawadle territories in Filtu, Liban zones in Ethiopia but we'll leave it at this for now. Compare to the doctored map and the posters clans. If anything this map reveals, it's the realities of OG dominance in Jubaland.

What happened to Marehan in the REAL map lol

Waryaa Kheyre, you have to do a better job at this fkd!

View attachment 246069
This map is wrong in Jubaland
Cawarmale don’t live near the sea coast
Harti and Bajuun are until Burgaabo
After Burgaabo is Absame and Bajuun and small minority Galjecel
Other things Jubada Dhexe only Kumade lives west side of Juba River I don’t Cawarmale other people 😀😀
Jubada Hose only Darood live west side River other then few Sheekhaal and biyomaal
This map is wrong in Jubaland
Cawarmale don’t live near the sea coast
Harti and Bajuun are until Burgaabo
After Burgaabo is Absame and Bajuun and small minority Galjecel
Other things Jubada Dhexe only Kumade lives west side of Juba River I don’t Cawarmale other people 😀😀
Jubada Hose only Darood live west side River other then few Sheekhaal and biyomaal
I only used that map to prove point to xl. I didn’t look at any part of the map other than Hirshabelle
Doctored map and evidently biased. Created by laangaabs projecting their insecurities. Below is the real Abikar 1999 map, you can google it. Hawadle territory is clearly evident. Stretching from Ethiopia, Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle and this still does not do justice to Hawadle territories in Filtu, Liban zones in Ethiopia but we'll leave it at this for now. Compare to the doctored map and the posters clans. If anything this map reveals, it's the realities of OG dominance in Jubaland.

What happened to Marehan in the REAL map lol

Waryaa Kheyre, you have to do a better job at this fkd!

View attachment 246069
Did some kid make up this map. Awrmale in middle juba and badhaadhe? There’s no galjecel in middle juba or even a small tuulo past buulo xaaji which is kismaayo district. I don’t wanna get involved with your xawaadle beef but you have no rsngib presence in jubaland other than kismaayo district which has like 10 other small clans. You also erased the cawlyahn that occupied the juba river banks from bardheere to jilib like they don’t exist.


Did some kid make up this map. Awrmale in middle juba and badhaadhe? There’s no galjecel in middle juba or even a small tuulo past buulo xaaji which is kismaayo district. I don’t wanna get involved with your xawaadle beef but you have no rsngib presence in jubaland other than kismaayo district which has like 10 other small clans. You also erased the cawlyahn that occupied the juba river banks from bardheere to jilib like they don’t exist.
Me too I was shocked
Cawarmale middle Juba
Cawarmale live Dinsoor Bay region
From Sacow to Diinsoor specifically their Maka is Raxoole near Diinsoor.
Buulo Haji is under Joore, under Badhadhe
Not Kismayo
Cawarmale middle Juba
Cawarmale live Dinsoor Bay region
From Sacow to Diinsoor specifically their Maka is Raxoole near Diinsoor.
Buulo Haji is under Joore, under Badhadhe
Not Kismayo
Me too I was shocked
Cawarmale middle Juba
Cawarmale live Dinsoor Bay region
From Sacow to Diinsoor specifically their Maka is Raxoole near Diinsoor.
Buulo Haji is under Joore, under Badhadhe
Not Kismayo
yes but it comes under kismaayo district maamul wise.

You’re right Cawrmale homeland is diinsoor which they have gotten kicked out by the may may. Now the dabare too are getting pressured by the mirifle. Maybe you harti should welcome them too?


Xaarwadle laangaab you only live in East Beletweyne and that is contested by HG, Dir etc, and now HSM is president why is Gudlaawe still president of Hirshabelle, what happened to the Gentleman agreement ?

Your emotional state is the only thing in crisis
On Fire Burn GIF by Searchlight Pictures
Huttu Math

The small laangaab X clan in B Weyne has constant high profile Qarax

M Shabelle you have people gutting each other with machettes

Xamar rest of the Hutus have everything from AS to Ciyaal Weero, Mass rape, Daacish, and who knows what else maybe canabalism

Yet they have the audacity to mention instability in safe regions :deadmanny:


You’re right Cawrmale homeland is diinsoor which they have gotten kicked out by the may may. Now the dabare too are getting pressured by the mirifle. Maybe you harti should welcome them too?
We did , but they bite us , after we saved them during civil war as Well Warsangli
Xaarwadle laangaab you only live in East Beletweyne and that is contested by HG, Dir etc, and now HSM is president why is Gudlaawe still president of Hirshabelle, what happened to the Gentleman agreement ?

Your emotional state is the only thing in crisis
On Fire Burn GIF by Searchlight Pictures

Huttu Math

The small laangaab X clan in B Weyne has constant high profile Qarax

M Shabelle you have people gutting each other with machettes

Xamar rest of the Hutus have everything from AS to Ciyaal Weero, Mass rape, Daacish, and who knows what else maybe canabalism

Yet they have the audacity to mention instability in safe regions :deadmanny:

Laangaab projections 😂

Laangaab kaliya aa deegaankiisa been been ku buuniyo. Xawaadle dhulkiisa xur waaye laandheere banaan joogo every Somali and their mamma knows, we don't have to make fake maps or project by calling others laangaab.

I would say Langaab from West Gedo but that would be rich after your edited maps are debunked. Don't ever claim Jubaland again nacalaa beentiin.

Guudlaawe will finish his term. Unlike you political barbies, Xawaadle is concentrating on Shabaab Guudlaawe dhib ma ku haayo. Both qabiils know how to deal woth each other after the dust settles.

Also, nobody gutting themselves in Middle Shabeelle, Abgaal cleaned it well, fact on the ground not CBB propaganda. 😁


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