With regret, yes I did.

I spent a day in Jigjiga the weather was so cool

With regret, yes I did.
This reminds me not long ago I was house sitting for my cousin who lives in a crowded flat and she has a somali family who lives the flat opposite hers, one day they sent their kids outside so they can have a quickie The kids were outside for a while and got bored and start knocking at the door so loudly and yelling 'hooyo aabo open the door' then the mother open the door fuming and start screaming at the children' I will call you when i'm finished orod ciyaara' the children were clueless and one of them ask if she was going to a wedding. I could smell her uunsi and her strong Cadar from my window. I felt bad for the children and the mother and offered them to watch a movie with me so their mother can continue getting her grooves on.
Wallahi I didn't know if it was that difficult for a somali parent to have a sex life.
She would have left you after she finds out you're gaal anywaysWith regret, yes I did.
Why a hotel room?LooL or just get a hotel room right.
Horta i am curious, before you get ready to make a baby, is there a lil duco or Aayad/Sura u have to read?
I think you say accudubillah and put your trust in Allah swt that both of you perform well. Especially the husband,Horta i am curious, before you get ready to make a baby, is there a lil duco or Aayad/Sura u have to read?
Ummm, maybe that's why Somalis are all fucked up.That would be so unsexy. Imagine getting ready and your man starts to pray and makes a duah
This is so weird.
I understand the ones back home having trouble but why are the ones in the west struggling? They have their own bedroom. They can do it at night like normal folks. Why would the mother send her kids outside to get her groove on in the U.K it's absurd to me.
None of these questions are fun. Can someone spice it up?
Have you ever been dickmatized
It's where the Somalis live. If you went to the Posh cities in the U.K you wouldn't even want to come back to America.If you've been to the UK then you'll recognize it as a third world country imitating a first world image
Ummm, maybe that's why Somalis are all fucked up.
Horta i am curious, before you get ready to make a baby, is there a lil duco or Aayad/Sura u have to read?
Have you ever been dickmatized