Sexless marriage

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

Should you leave if you are not getting enough. Would you stay in a marriage that doesn't please your needs?


Jet life till my next life
Canuck wrote this letter, confirmed!

That nigga lacking, maybe its because she doesn't take care of herself anymore, very common phenomena, Give this nigga 20 year old ceeb and he'll destroy the f*ck out of it. The problem is her, she need to lose some weight and go to Dubai to purchase the latest Uunsi! How she expect a nigga to make love while she smells like a suugo and a stained diaper?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
:lebronwtf: sexless marriage? Whats the point of been married then, if you have to beat yourself :umwhat:

anit no body got time for that.
What would you do if your wife divorces because you are not pleasing her needs?

P.s You have to look at the women's perpective as well. A lot of women stay in unhappy sexless marriage because they think it is taboo to even communicate about their sexual needs.


What would you do if your wife divorces because you are not pleasing her needs?

P.s You have to look at the women's perpective as well. A lot of women stay in unhappy sexless marriage because they think it is taboo to even communicate about their sexual needs.

Its her right, its part of our Deen to please our wife. If i can't do that, and she leaves then thats her choice. I would obliviously try my best to stop her. But generally a sexless marriage usual comes from poor communication.
There is no such thing as a sexless marriage if you don't suffer from erectile dysfunction when you get older.

It's a myth




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If my kids are over 10 then I'd just stick it out til they turn 18 and then I'd ask for a divorce. If my kids are under 5 then I'd try and improve our sex life. I can't go another 15 years with poor sex.

It's a difficult scenario.
Tough one. If there wasnt any spark in the bedroom I really dont think I could stay. Its important to work out to appear as physically appealing as possible to your other half for as long as possible.


da f*ck when did somali females feel pleasure:wtf:
doesnt all pleasure go away after getting fgm done:wow:
if not what use is the fgm for?:wow:
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