Wallahi that was by accident i didnt even realize. I even looked at the dislike like huh why does that person hate communication?
Haye ma cabsatayit's alright I don't take offence
That Riya chick disgusts meNah I don't buy anything from that free loading family. Her sis is that bahal Riya.
Halima herself begged on GoFundMe to fund her elementary picture book about her mom and dad. Giiirrrrll we have so many worthwhile issues in our community u could be using your influence to raise money for, but u want us to fund raise for a book u are going to sell for profit??
That Riya chick disgusts meSome skinnies be retweeting her pictures on my TL every time waxa iqabata
I'm in the 20% category tooI think she is mad at Somalis cuz about 80 percent of us are lookers and she falls into the 20 that aint
Guys how can you pay attention to these videos anymore, I can't stand that little pipsqueak Halima. She just learned a few Arabic words last night and can't wait to try them on us TUUF CALAYK
NoooooooooooooooooooI think she is mad at Somalis cuz about 80 percent of us are lookers and she falls into the 20 that aint
I love you fisabililah makes me.
Who is that
I love you fisabililah makes me.
DhulkaZuleikha, subhanallah i truly love you feesibilillah, yacni, subhanallah, i cant express my respect for you ya Rabbi al alameen. Subhanallah? You know? Just...subhanallah *in my best halimo voice
Nah I don't buy anything from that free loading family. Her sis is that bahal Riya.
Halima herself begged on GoFundMe to fund her elementary picture book about her mom and dad. Giiirrrrll we have so many worthwhile issues in our community u could be using your influence to raise money for, but u want us to fund raise for a book u are going to sell for profit??