Sexual Compatibility

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
i know a case where a xalimo did ask the farax she was courting about what sex position he prefers. She was a virgin herself too. He found that very off-putting and didnt see her again :chrisfreshhah:

If youre courting why would you even talk about sex positions?
I look for ones that look similar to me... this one even wears the same shade of lipstick I do....

She is the definition of BELLA. My hand went to the keyboard slow mo with my brain busy processing what it saw, and I didn't dare ask the same silly question at our introduction of whether the previous avatar was you as well. And now I GOT THE SAME ANSWER.

She is gorgeous and you are slick enjoying the third person reference to yourself.. Not fair.

I will definately ask questions but then again how would anyone know what truely want without trying it first?

Its like saying I need cake in my life but yet Ive never tried cake.


I think its better to ask for hard limits rather than gurantees

Imagine paying all that mehr and you dnt even get what you want.

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