Shabaab Leadership


Interesting every region and FMS has a designated leader except somaliland. But then they have kenyan leader. But also no Djibouti or Ethiopian. Is Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somaliland security that tight or are these egions of no interest to shabaab
Security seems tight in both Djibouti and Ethiopia, particularly in Somali region. The federal government keeps a special eye on the somali region because of Alshabab in neighboring Somalia. I've been told gov is constantly monitoring the internet and calls in the region. As for Djibouti there are foreign military bases there and they all want a stable Djibouti. They could be working with Djibouti gov to further tighten security(remember how the US predicted the ISIS attack on Moscow two weeks before it happened?). Lastly Somaliland, Most citizens are brainwashed with secession and hate for Somalia(gov or people🤔). Anyone suspected to be Alshabab would be reported by patriotic landers and apprehended. Aden sunne is an example. He was suspected to be Alshabab and a state wide manhunt ensued but he somehow managed to escape to southern Somalia
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
Security seems tight in both Djibouti and Ethiopia, particularly in Somali region. The federal government keeps a special eye on the somali region because of Alshabab in neighboring Somalia. I've been told gov is constantly monitoring the internet and calls in the region. As for Djibouti there are foreign military bases there and they all want a stable Djibouti. They could be working with Djibouti gov to further tighten security. Lastly Somaliland, Most citizens are brainwashed with secession and hate for Somalia(gov or people🤔). Anyone suspected to be Alshabab would be reported by patriotic landers and apprehended. Aden sunne is an example. He was suspected to be Alshabab and a state wide manhunt ensued but he somehow managed to escape to southern Somalia
SL security is pretty tight I got stopped 6 times heading to Hargeisa from Borama, in terms of security and law/order we have intensive xeer law alongside the courts to keep the peace, my clan is pretty tight anything internal is handling within, I'm guessing the same is for the Isaaq subclans.
Security seems tight in both Djibouti and Ethiopia, particularly in Somali region. The federal government keeps a special eye on the somali region because of Alshabab in neighboring Somalia. I've been told gov is constantly monitoring the internet and calls in the region. As for Djibouti there are foreign military bases there and they all want a stable Djibouti. They could be working with Djibouti gov to further tighten security(remember how the US predicted the ISIS attack on Moscow two weeks before it happened?). Lastly Somaliland, Most citizens are brainwashed with secession and hate for Somalia(gov or people🤔). Anyone suspected to be Alshabab would be reported by patriotic landers and apprehended. Aden sunne is an example. He was suspected to be Alshabab and a state wide manhunt ensued but he somehow managed to escape to southern Somalia
Al shabab live no where near Djibouti. God-cusbo, Afdheer is more than one thousand kilometres away from Djibouti. They would have to travel for another one thousand kilometres that’s to say if they somehow get passed Doolo where there are numerous liyuu Makahil maniacs. I don’t even think al shabaab live anywhere near Doolo by now because the way liyuu police massacre alshabab is scary if you knew about it. 400 500 600 at one point liyuu would kill 800 alshabab. Alshabab quit getting anywhere near Ogadenia ever since the liyuu became more powerful. Every time I saw a pretty old footage of afhayeenka alshabab giving speech he would be complaining about Ethiopia blaming Ethiopia, I was maskiin before I thought that the “ethiopia” alshabab speakers are complaining about is the ENDF but it turns out to be the liyuu police😅to hell with your “federal government” bullshit dad dhulkooda jecel baa ku nool Ogadenia saxib there are men who care about dowladnimo men who admire Ogaden rule of law that live there the last thing they’d want is a fucking terrorist mooryaan to put on a suicide vest and launch himself into crowd downtown Qabri Dahar. Dadku isku mid aha, some are more protective of their kin and some are not. Ogadenia is alshabab free today because some fine cagdheer gentlemen had to die not because a random nacas decided to open Somali spot and type “federal government is keeping a special eye on Somali region”😅

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Interesting every region and FMS has a designated leader except somaliland. But then they have kenyan leader. But also no Djibouti or Ethiopian. Is Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somaliland security that tight or are these egions of no interest to shabaab

Shirqool / conspiracy. Somalis from all clans are receptive to radicalism but they haven’t expanded to Puntland, SL and to Khaatumo. These places do not have the tight security to stamp out radicals. South + central Somalia was a favorable ground for these vermins due to the vacuum left by the Ethiopian invasion quickly taken by them. By the way Im not talking about AS from southcentral taking over by force. The reason why they have been succesfull is due to the fact each clan was led by their own radical. Same could have been replicated all over the somali peninsula.

Guys out here are thinking a country with history of radicals (Sayid, Bardheere jaamacad the Majerteen sheikh who invaded Geledis) etc would not be suspectible to radical influence. Don’t make me laugh. Somalia is a very conservative place which is good but we have bad apples.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Security seems tight in both Djibouti and Ethiopia, particularly in Somali region. The federal government keeps a special eye on the somali region because of Alshabab in neighboring Somalia. I've been told gov is constantly monitoring the internet and calls in the region. As for Djibouti there are foreign military bases there and they all want a stable Djibouti. They could be working with Djibouti gov to further tighten security(remember how the US predicted the ISIS attack on Moscow two weeks before it happened?). Lastly Somaliland, Most citizens are brainwashed with secession and hate for Somalia(gov or people🤔). Anyone suspected to be Alshabab would be reported by patriotic landers and apprehended. Aden sunne is an example. He was suspected to be Alshabab and a state wide manhunt ensued but he somehow managed to escape to southern Somalia
i thought there was an oromia faction bubbling up in ethiopia?

