Shabelle River drying up in Between Jowhar and Balcad

I was gonna post about this. Godey has been the source of many investments in recent years, the regions admin wants to make it the lifeline against drought and food insecurity.

Good progress. At least DDIS is doing something with the water, unlike Somalia that doesn't preserve 1 bit of a water. For goodness sake, build enough dams and then divert water to those dams. The local people organizing themselves with their local admins could do it by carrying out the fundraising needed to carry out the work, provided someone wouldn't steal the funds. Waiting for central govt who God knows when it'll get off the ground is not longer a good strategy.

Take for example the Garacad port. Here you have a group of Somalis building an entire port from scratch when both federal and regional governments have no part in this effort. It is locals organizing themselves, setting up a committee who runs this important project, and participating it with their funds. Similar effort can be done for the dams.
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Misleading title , these pictures from op are in between balcad and afgooye .

In between the tuulos of sabayoo and buulo madiina to be specific.

These kind if stuff arent related to drought. These actions are ECO terrorism from the multiple damps from Ethiopia government over the years .
This is the most upstream town of the shabbelleh having hard time to water all their crops

This video is the downstream of Sabiid,Awadheegle and canoole towns of (afgooye )

