Shabelle River running dry in Somalia


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
I dont think you realize just how much water Ethiopia already has. They have no need to redirect water from the Shabelle to the highlands(the only place with a suitable temperature to grow wheat)

The water is quite simply not enough for those three regions. Especially during low rains.

Arent most farms in Somalia rainfed?

What a disaster prone country.
Yeah, that’s why the drought is affecting them so much more. People are dying of starvation


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I dont think you realize just how much water Ethiopia already has. They have no need to redirect water from the Shabelle to the highlands(the only place with a suitable temperature to grow wheat)

The water is quite simply not enough for those three regions. Especially during low rains.

Arent most farms in Somalia rainfed?

What a disaster prone country.


Wheat can be grown in Somalia Tuli-Guleed Faafan has an elevation similar to Sanaag. If we invested in machinery and rerouted mountainous water into the land we can grow food for Somalia.

Sanaag has the most aquafiers than all of Somalia, it can be seen on mapcarta through the veins.
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Wheat can be grown in Somalia Tuli-Guleed Faafan has an elevation similar to Sanaag. If we invested in machinery and rerouted mountainous water into the land we can grow food for Somalia.

Sanaag has the most aquafiers than all of Somalia, it can be seen on mapcarta through the veins.
We need to get western sitti back into somali state it’s very fertile and we can develop it using machinery and water from the awash river
Federal Gov and Oromia State out to Dam rivers that go into SR at the source.

Marar water dam that has stirred up a lot of controversy over the past few years has been completed and inaugurated by the Oromia State and it's president. No SRS officials were invited.

The Oromia State admin now has a chokehold on the water network and can cause floods or water shortages, displacing people in the process. This impacts Jigjiga all the way down the river to Jarar, which relies on the network as a vital water source. Marar essentially serves as the passageway for water to reach as far south as Qabridahar and even beyond there.

Federal Gov and Oromia State out to Dam rivers that go into SR at the source.
Im confused, where is the dam is it daming the water that goes to jijiga because im pretty sure its another basin that never reaches the sea. Same with shabelle it gets so used up it basically turns into a stream. Siad barre had a plan to dam the combined drain point of jubba and shabelle river to make sure the precious water dosent flood into the sea and made the water navigable. We could something like that immediately.

