shaming the arab loving somalis on ummah forum

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Look at this
"Asalamu alykum brothers and sisters,
Someone told me that Somalians are decendant from arab blood ..well obviosly any non-arab muslim would look at this as a great honor to say that "I coem from the bloodline of the country of my prohet Mohamed(saw)...maybe even more honor than those of Suadi Arabia. So i wanted to ask all of you if this cuold be true?

pictures of somalis

My tribe is called Daroot in arabic Benu Dawud"
I think we should all register on that website and put these self loathing bastards on check! How they crave for the approval of hairy and backward arabs is making my blood boil!
Who's with me?

Look how openly they are discussing their tribes on a forum that isn't even a somali one. :kanyehmm:

What is with somalis and the hate they have for themselves and culture?
That thread was made in 2008. no point replying to it now tbh
Look at this neef dhargay

"recent days some uncles in the masjid have asked questions about when I will get married, and have no idea why. Maybe it has something with that I will soon inshallah be graduating, allah knows best. Whenever we have discussed this subject, I have a few times hinted that I personally want to marry outside my ethnicity and perhaps a revert. Surprisingly enough, they are against it. It is a fact that Somalis who marry non Somalis are breaking cultural and social norms, and it has been increased over the year allamdulilah.

For the Somali community, mixed marriage is although a relatively new phenomena and may apply for other communities also:
- So, should more somali men marry non somalis? at least where I live the sisters is better at this

this may also apply to other ethnicities. Should more men marry outside their ethnicity?"

Beta males are representing us wallahi. We are finished if we do not stop these creatures!
Why are there so many of them?coolio
i dont see whats wrong with that post. he doesn't have to marry a somali woman.
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