Shamso Bosaso - Aug 1 Puntland celebration

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Ina Adeer, be honest, who in your immediate family has a Reer Bari accent?:lolbron:

Who you think you lying to cuz? :bell:

I can't distinguish between Reer Mudug and Reer nUgaal or reer bari. They all use the majidho wey jidhaa. I think the boowe baayo and the naniin is only used by a certain regions in bari, not all.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Abdalla Bari is large so there are a couple of accents there. The Hafuun/Calula accent is the one that is very stereotypical.
They sound very funny. I have noticed differences even between Reer Mudug and Nugaal and Reer Bari, they say "isi" while we say "isii", their vowels are shorter.
@Abdalla Bari is large so there are a couple of accents there. The Hafuun/Calula accent is the one that is very stereotypical.
They sound very funny. I have noticed differences even between Reer Mudug and Nugaal and Reer Bari, they say "isi" while we say "isii", their vowels are shorter.
Xafun dialect is the same as the one you'll find in Southern Bari sxb.:reallymaury:

Listen from 6:23
@Duchess my siblings speak the standard PL dialect fluently. :hemad:

I bet you use words like aawe instead of meeye, or ma aqaani instead of garan maayo kkkkk. Not my fault you speak that sub standard Somali.:siilaanyolaugh:


Queen of the light
The reason women backhome are on average lighter than men is due to many factors. Some of it being the fact men are always
out in the sun while women stay at home.
That's is bullcrap women sell by stalls they help their husbands they clean outdoors no one stays at home 24h a day. You cannot deny bleaching is most commonly used in somalia


That's is bullcrap women sell by stalls they help their husbands they clean outdoors no one stays at home 24h a day. You cannot deny bleaching is most commonly used in somalia

Look at stall ladies backhome they are very dark in Mogadishu for example since they are always out in the sun. Bleaching exists
but its use is varied from area to area.
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